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Chemicals of emerging concern in marine specimens of the German Environmental Specimen Bank
Environmental Sciences Europe ( IF 6.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-02 , DOI: 10.1186/s12302-020-00312-x
Annette Fliedner , Heinz Rüdel , Annekatrin Dreyer , Ulrike Pirntke , Jan Koschorreck



Descriptor 8 of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (Directive 2008/56/EC) addresses the good environmental status with regard to pollution of marine waters by chemical contaminants. Commission decision (EU) 2017/848 lays down the criteria and methodological standards on good environmental status of marine waters. Member States, in regional or subregional cooperation, shall establish lists of relevant contaminants beside those already covered by the Water Framework Directive (WFD). To provide information on emerging contaminants in marine biota, the German Environmental Specimen Bank (ESB) has compiled data of blue mussels and eelpouts from coastal sites in the North and Baltic Seas. Substances identified by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) as of emerging concern for the marine environment have been used as a starting point.

Results and conclusions

The study presents data of 19 emerging flame retardants and degradation products, 40 per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) and three cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMS). Among the emerging flame retardants, only Dec 602 was detected in all samples of 2015. Dec 604, Cl10-antiDP, 1,5-DPMA, EH-TBB, PBEB, TBP-AE, BATE, BTBPE and HBBz were constantly < limit of quantification (LOQ). Time trends were barely detected. Legacy PBDE still dominates in most samples. PFAS concentrations were usually higher in samples from the North Sea sites compared to samples from the Baltic Sea. PFOS dominated in most samples. Increasing trends over time were detected for PFNA, PFDA and PFDoDA at the Baltic Sea site and for PFDA at one North Sea site. Concentrations of the cVMS D4, D5 and D6 were below the detection limit at the ESB sampling sites. Based on the results, it should be considered to include the emerging flame retardants DP and Dec 602 and the long-chain perfluoroalkyl substances PFNA, PFDA, PFUnDA and PFDoDA in a regular monitoring in the North and Baltic Seas.





海洋战略框架指令(MSFD)(指令2008/56 / EC)的描述8阐述了化学污染物对海水造成污染的良好环境状况。欧盟委员会(EU)2017/848号决定规定了有关海水良好环境状况的标准和方法学标准。成员国在区域或次区域合作中,应建立除水框架指令(WFD)已经涵盖的污染物外的相关污染物清单。为了提供有关海洋生物区系中新出现的污染物的信息,德国环境标本银行(ESB)收集了北半球和波罗的海沿岸地区的蓝贻贝和鳗鱼出水数据。


该研究报告提供了19种新兴阻燃剂和降解产物,40种全氟烷基物质和多氟烷基物质(PFAS)以及三种环状挥发性甲基硅氧烷(cVMS)的数据。在新兴的阻燃剂中,2015年所有样品中仅检测到Dec602。Dec604,Cl 10-antiDP,1,5-DPMA,EH-TBB,PBEB,TBP-AE,BATE,BTBPE和HBBz始终<定量限(LOQ)。几乎没有发现时间趋势。在大多数样本中,传统PBDE仍然占主导地位。与波罗的海的样品相比,北海站点的PFAS浓度通常较高。在大多数样品中,全氟辛烷磺酸占主导地位。随着时间的推移,波罗的海地区的PFNA,PFDA和PFDoDA以及北海的一个地区的PFDA随时间增加了趋势。cVMS D4,D5和D6的浓度低于ESB采样点的检测极限。根据结果​​,应该考虑在北海和波罗的海定期监测中包括新兴的阻燃剂DP和Dec 602以及长链全氟烷基物质PFNA,PFDA,PFUnDA和PFDoDA。
