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Fungal communities in decomposing wood along an energy wood harvest gradient
Forest Ecology and Management ( IF 3.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.foreco.2020.118070
Oili Tarvainen , Karita Saravesi , Taina Pennanen , Anna-Mari Markkola , Marko Suokas , Hannu Fritze

Abstract The current requirements to decrease the consumption and greenhouse gas emissions of fossil fuels have increased the demand of renewable energy sources. In forestry, this situation has intensified harvesting practices resulting in a decreased amount of woody debris left on the clear-cut areas. Impacts of energy wood harvest on wood-decomposing fungi were studied in a large-scale experiment in clear-cut stands in three geographical areas in Finland. A sequence of treatments was expected to form a forestry induced soil disturbance gradient: (1) logging residues left at site, no soil preparation; (2) logging residues left at site, patch mounding; (3) 70% logging residue removal, patch mounding; and (4) complete stump and logging residue removal, patch mounding. Pre-weighed wood discs were incubated on the intact soil cover for four years to estimate decomposition rate and fungal decomposer community. A soil sample was taken underneath each disc to evaluate the direct inoculation potential of the soil. The main results were as follows: (1) The differences between the treatments were not significant, while the geographical factors affected the decomposition rate and the fungal communities of the wood discs. (2) The fungal composition in the wood discs did not reflect the underlying soil fungal community, which indicates that a part of the fungal species inhabiting wood discs originated from airborne surrounding sources. (3) The increase in fungal species diversity was associated to the wood decay process, indicated by parallel increase in the wood decomposition rate and the number of white rot and mycorrhizal fungi. Thus our study indicates that in addition to local environment, landscape-level factors control the decomposer fungal community and its activity in wood.



摘要 当前,减少化石燃料消耗和温室气体排放的要求增加了对可再生能源的需求。在林业方面,这种情况加强了采伐做法,导致留在砍伐地区的木屑数量减少。在芬兰三个地理区域的空旷林地进行的大规模试验中,研究了能源木材采伐对木材分解真菌的影响。一系列处理预计会形成林业诱发的土壤扰动梯度:(1)伐木现场残留,不整地;(2) 现场遗留的伐木残留物、斑块堆垛;(3) 70% 的伐木残渣清除,斑块堆积;(4) 完成树桩和伐木残渣清除,补丁堆砌。预先称重的木盘在完整的土壤覆盖物上孵育四年,以估计分解率和真菌分解者群落。在每个圆盘下方采集土壤样品以评估土壤的直接接种潜力。主要结果如下:(1)处理间差异不显着,地理因素影响木圆盘的分解速率和真菌群落。(2) 木圆盘中的真菌组成没有反映下层土壤真菌群落,这表明部分栖息在木圆盘上的真菌物种起源于空气传播的周围来源。(3) 真菌物种多样性的增加与木材腐烂过程有关,木材分解率和白腐病菌和菌根真菌数量的平行增加表明了这一点。因此,我们的研究表明,除了当地环境外,景观层面的因素控制着分解真菌群落及其在木材中的活动。