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HPV infections among young MSM visiting sexual health centers in the Netherlands: Opportunities for targeted HPV vaccination
Vaccine ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-19 , DOI: 10.1016/j.vaccine.2020.03.002
Petra J. Woestenberg , Birgit H.B. van Benthem , Johannes A. Bogaards , Audrey J. King , Fiona R.M. van der Klis , Hella Pasmans , Suzan Leussink , Marianne A.B. van der Sande , Christian J.P.A. Hoebe


In 2009, girls-only HPV16/18 vaccination was introduced in the Netherlands which has achieved 46–61% uptake. Heterosexual men have benefitted from herd protection, but it is unknown whether men who have sex with men (MSM) also benefit from herd effects of the girls-only HPV16/18 vaccination program. Because MSM bear a high HPV-related disease burden, countries might consider targeted vaccination for MSM. To study possible herd effects and prior HPV exposure at a potential moment of vaccination, we assessed trends in the HPV prevalence and proportions (sero)negative for the various vaccine types among young MSM visiting sexual health centers (SHCs).


We used data from MSM included in PASSYON study years 2009–2017. In this biennial cross-sectional study among visitors of SHCs aged 16–24 years, MSM provided a penile and anal swab for HPV DNA testing (including vaccine types HPV6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58) and blood for HPV antibody testing (HPV16/18/31/33/45/52/58).


In total 575 MSM were included, with a median of 22 years of age and 15 lifetime sex partners and 3.5% HIV positive. Trends in penile or anal HPV prevalence during 2009–2017 were statistically non-significant for all vaccine types. Of the 455 MSM with a penile and anal swab, 360 (79%), 283 (62%) and 242 (53%) were HPV DNA negative at both anatomical sites for HPV16/18, HPV6/11/16/18 and HPV6/11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58 respectively. Among MSM who were HPV16/18 and HPV16/18/31/33/45/52/58 DNA negative and were tested for serology (n = 335 and 279 respectively), 82% and 71% were also seronegative for the respective types.


There were no significant declines in the HPV prevalence among MSM up to eight years after introduction of girls-only HPV16/18 vaccination, indicating that MSM are unlikely to benefit largely from herd effects from girls-only vaccination. Most MSM were vaccine-type DNA negative and seronegative, suggesting that vaccination of young MSM visiting SHCs could still be beneficial.




2009年,荷兰引入了仅针对女孩的HPV16 / 18疫苗接种,已实现46-61%的接种率。异性恋男人从牛群保护中受益,但是与男性发生性关系的男性(MSM)是否也从仅女孩的HPV16 / 18疫苗接种计划的牛群效应中受益是未知的。由于MSM承担着与HPV相关的高疾病负担,因此各国可能会考虑针对性针对MSM进行疫苗接种。为了研究潜在的疫苗接种时可能的牛群影响和先前的HPV暴露,我们评估了前往性健康中心(SHC)的年轻MSM的各种疫苗类型的HPV流行率和阴性比例(血清)。


我们使用了2009-2017年PASSYON研究年度中包含的MSM数据。在这项针对16至24岁的SHC访客的双年度横断面研究中,MSM为HPV DNA检测提供了阴茎和肛门拭子(包括疫苗类型HPV6 / 11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58)和血液进行HPV抗体检测(HPV16 / 18/31/33/45/52/58)。


总共包括575个MSM,中位年龄为22岁,有15个终身性伴侣,艾滋病毒阳性率为3.5%。2009-2017年期间,所有疫苗类型的阴茎或肛门HPV流行趋势在统计学上均无统计学意义。在455个带有阴茎和肛门拭子的MSM中,有360个(79%),283个(62%)和242个(53%)在HPV16 / 18,HPV6 / 11/16/18和HPV6的两个解剖部位均为HPV DNA阴性分别为/ 11/16/18/31/33/45/52/58。在HPV16 / 18和HPV16 / 18/31/33/45/52/58 DNA阴性并进行了血清学检测的MSM中(分别为335和279),分别检出82%和71%的血清阴性。


在引入纯女孩HPV16 / 18疫苗接种后的八年内,MSM中HPV流行率没有显着下降,这表明MSM不太可能从纯女孩疫苗接种中大量受益。大多数MSM均为疫苗型DNA阴性和血清阴性,这表明前往SHC的年轻MSM接种疫苗仍可能有益。
