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Representation of solutions to delayed linear discrete systems with constant coefficients and with second-order differences
Applied Mathematics Letters ( IF 2.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aml.2020.106309
Josef Diblík , Kristýna Mencáková

Linear higher-order delayed systems of discrete equations Δ2x(k)+Ax(km)=f(k),k=0,1,are considered where m is a positive integer, x:{m,m+1,}Rn, Δ2 is the second-order forward difference, A is an n×n constant real matrix and f:{0,1,}Rn. Representations of solutions are derived by means of new types of matrix functions of delayed type. Advantages over previous results are discussed with open problems for future research formulated.



离散方程的线性高阶时滞系统 Δ2Xķ+一种Xķ-=Fķķ=01个被认为在哪里 是一个正整数, X{--+1个}[RñΔ2 是二阶前向差, 一种 是一个 ñ×ñ 常数实矩阵和 F{01个}[Rñ。解决方案的表示是通过延迟类型的新型矩阵函数得出的。讨论了相对于先前结果的优势,并提出了尚待解决的问题,以供将来研究。
