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Drought-induced tree growth decline in the desert margins of Northwestern China
Dendrochronologia ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.dendro.2020.125685
Xiaofeng Wang , Bao Yang , Gang Li

Abstract Water deficiency is the primary limiting factor for tree growth in arid and semi-arid areas. Droughts associated with rising temperatures have increased in severity and frequency globally over the past few decades, making the trees in the drought-prone sites first be affected by water shortages. However, our understanding of tree growth status in these areas, and of their response to drought, is currently insufficient; especially in the context of global warming. Here, we studied 94 Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) and 86 spruce (Picea crassifolia) trees from different altitudes [2,100–2400 m above sea level (a.s.l.)] distributed at the desert margins of Northwestern China to explore tree growth and drought response from multiple perspectives using dendroecological approaches. Significant growth decline, across all tree species and altitudes, was detected in response to an interdecadal trend towards a drier climate. Moreover, the extent of tree growth decline, the proportion of affected trees, and the degree of moisture dependence have all tended to increase in each sample site, most likely due to enhanced drought severity and duration in recent decades. The more sensitive and susceptible trees were found at lower elevations (drier sites) and may signify a higher vulnerability to heating-induced drought stress. Tree resistance to drought showed strong negative correlation with drought severity across all sample sites. However, the connection between post-drought tree resilience and drought intensity is weak, perhaps because the samples were all collected from living trees, while those that had died were not sampled. The priority for future work should be to combine surviving and dead trees simultaneously, thus achieving a more representative view of tree resilience to drought; this will improve our knowledge of forest dynamics and even ecosystem succession in these vulnerable and sensitive environments.