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Enforcement of logging regulations in Ghana: Perspectives of frontline regulatory officers
Forest Policy and Economics ( IF 4.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.forpol.2020.102138
Joseph Boakye

This study examines how the state regulator enforces logging regulations with the view to understand how that influences compliance-violation behaviour of loggers in Ghana. It does so by drawing on the perspectives and experiences of fifty (50) frontline officials directly engaged in forest law enforcement in the Ashanti Region of Ghana. The study finds that the deterrent effect of the state regulator is weak for two main reasons. First, the frontline officials have poor proactive detection capacity due to resource constraints. Second, they lack sufficient legal authority to issue strong sanctions and, even within their authority, issues sanctions far below the prescribed maximum because of interferences from the political through socio-cultural to administrative settings, and corrupt practices. To improve enforcement effectiveness, the study recommends the following. First, detection should be enhanced through aerial patrols and reconnaissance surveys using drones and other modern technologies. Second, there should be a real risk of sanction certainty and severity for loggers who violate the logging regulations and officials caught in corrupt practices and third, a strong network of local and international actors including the media and civil society groups playing an oversight role.



本研究考察了国家监管机构如何执行伐木法规,以了解这如何影响加纳伐木者的合规违规行为。它借鉴了加纳阿散蒂地区五十 (50) 名直接参与森林执法的前线官员的观点和经验。研究发现,国家监管机构的威慑作用较弱,主要有两个原因。一是一线官员资源紧张,主动检测能力差。其次,由于政治、社会文化和行政环境的干扰以及腐败行为,他们缺乏足够的法律权力来发布严厉的制裁,即使在他们的权力范围内,他们也会发布远低于规定上限的制裁。为提高执法效率,该研究提出以下建议。首先,应该通过使用无人机和其他现代技术的空中巡逻和侦察调查来加强检测。其次,对于违反伐木法规的伐木者和陷入腐败行径的官员,应该有真正的制裁确定性和严厉性的风险,第三,包括发挥监督作用的媒体和民间社会团体在内的强大的本地和国际行为者网络。