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Editorial for Weed Science, Volume 68
Weed Science ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-01 , DOI: 10.1017/wsc.2019.58
William K. Vencill

This is the first issue of 2020, the end of a decade or the beginning, depending on how one counts. Nonetheless, it is an appropriate time to reflect back on how the journal has changed over the past 10 years. The biggest change has been the switch from Allen Press to Cambridge University Press as our publisher in 2016. The editorial board has tried to keep up with publishing trends this past decade. Notable changes have included the move to a digital-only presence, the addition of more color to published articles, and the implementation of plant name notation reflecting the international nature of the journal. Weed Science continues to be one of the premier journals in the discipline and in the agronomic sciences. The editorial board and the staff strive to improve the efficiency of the publication process and improve the scope of the journal. Weed Science seeks to publish more reviews and symposium articles. For the 12 months preceding September 1, 2019, 221 manuscripts were submitted to Weed Science compared with 231 in the previous 12-month period. Of the manuscripts submitted, 37% were accepted compared with 39% the previous year. The time from submission to first decision was 38.1 days this past year compared with 38.5 days for the previous year. The time from submission to first decision has been reduced by 40% since 2010 (Figure 1). To illustrate how the 38.1 days of the review process break out, I have included a flow diagram showing the time for each step in the editorial process (Figure 2). We continually strive to improve turnaround time during reviews as well as after manuscript acceptance. The impact factor forWeed Science was 2.00 in 2019, down slightly from the 2.004 mark this past year. The 5-year impact factor also declined from 2.351 to 2.301. Over the past 10 years, the single-year and 5-year impact factors have been positive (Figure 3). It has been interesting to see how submissions have changed over the past 10 years (Figure 4). In 2010, 42% of submissions came from the United States and 53% were from North America. This past year, submissions from the United States and China were almost at parity (32% vs. 31%). Two-thirds of submissions to Weed Science are from international researchers. For the year preceding September 1, 2019, the journal depended on 267 unique reviewers. Each year, approximately 800 to 900 reviewers are invited to review manuscripts for Weed Science. Figure 5 shows values for the percentages who accept, decline, or are uninvited (no response within 4 days). The excellent reputation of the journal would not be possible without the cutting-edge research submitted by authors and the diligent work of the editorial board and the hundreds of referred reviews that are submitted annually. I wish to thank the members of the editorial board and reviewers for their efforts this past year.