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The GDSL Lipase MHZ11 Modulates Ethylene Signaling in Rice Roots
The Plant Cell ( IF 10.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-17
Zhao, H., Ma, B., Duan, K.-X., Li, X.-K., Lu, X., Yin, C.-C., Tao, J.-J., Wei, W., Zhang, W.-K., Xin, P., Lam, S. M., Chu, J., Shui, G., Chen, S.-Y., Zhang, J.-S.

Ethylene plays important roles in plant growth and development. Regulation of its signaling is largely unclear especially in crops such as rice. Here, from analysis of an ethylene insensitive mutant mhz11, we identified a GDSL lipase MHZ11 which modulates ethylene signaling in rice roots. MHZ11 is localized to the ER membrane and has acyl-hydrolyzing activity. This activity affects the homeostasis of sterols in rice roots and is required for root ethylene response. MHZ11 overexpression caused constitutive ethylene response in roots. Genetically, MHZ11 acts at the ethylene receptor OsERS2 upstream of OsCTR2 and OsEIN2. MHZ11 mutation maintains more OsCTR2 in phosphorylated form whereas MHZ11 overexpression promotes ethylene inhibition of OsCTR2 phosphorylation. MHZ11 co-localized with the ethylene receptor OsERS2, and its effect on OsCTR2 phosphorylation requires ethylene perception and signaling initiation. mhz11 mutant has over-accumulated sterols. Blocking sterol biosynthesis partially rescued mhz11 ethylene response likely by reducing receptor-OsCTR2 interaction and OsCTR2 phosphorylation. We propose that MHZ11 works to reduce sterol level to impair receptor-OsCTR2 interaction and OsCTR2 phosphorylation for triggering of signaling upon ethylene treatment. Our study reveals a previously unidentified mechanism by which MHZ11 participates in ethylene signaling for regulation of root growth in rice.



