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African swine fever in wild boar, South Korea, 2019
Transboundary and Emerging Diseases ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-07 , DOI: 10.1111/tbed.13532
Yeong-Seok Jo 1 , Christian Gortázar 2

South Korea is the only Asian country where African swine fever (ASF) is spreading in wild boar (Sus scrofa) populations. This rapid communication describes the situation of ASF in South Korea since its first detection on 17 September 2019 with special attention to ASF dynamics and management in wild boar. Since the first case in a wild boar was detected on 2 October 2019, a total of 86 wild boar have been confirmed as infected by PCR until 18 January 2020, and the monthly number of cases has been growing from October 2019 to January 2020. Interventions to limit ASF spread among wild boar in South Korea consist in fencing, population control and carcass search and disposal. The confirmed ASF‐infected sites are immediately fenced, and a three‐layer fencing system has been deployed to avoid southward spread of ASF. Hunting and trapping allowed culling 2,623 wild boar on 2,414 km2 (1.08/km2), and a total of 889 wild boar carcasses were detected and destroyed. Unfortunately, mine fields impose constraints to effective carcass search, impeding effective quantification of cases and carcass destruction in parts of the infected zone and generating a unique epidemiological setting.


2019 年韩国野猪爆发非洲猪瘟

韩国是唯一一个非洲猪瘟 (ASF) 在野猪 ( Sus scrofa ) 种群中传播的国家。这种快速沟通描述了自 2019 年 9 月 17 日首次发现非洲猪瘟以来韩国的情况,特别关注非洲猪瘟的动态和野猪的管理。自2019年10月2日在野猪中发现第一例病例以来,截至2020年1月18日,共有86头野猪被PCR确诊感染,并且从2019年10月至2020年1月,每月病例数一直在增长。限制非洲猪瘟在韩国野猪中传播的措施包括围栏、种群控制以及尸体搜索和处置。对确诊的非洲猪瘟疫区立即进行围栏围护,并部署三层围栏系统,避免非洲猪瘟向南蔓延。狩猎诱捕共扑杀2,414公里2野猪2,623头(1.08头/公里2),共发现并销毁野猪尸体889头。不幸的是,雷区限制了有效的尸体搜索,阻碍了感染区部分地区病例和尸体销毁的有效量化,并产生了独特的流行病学环境。