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Annals for Educators - 17 March 2020.
Annals of Internal Medicine ( IF 19.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-17 , DOI: 10.7326/awed202003170
Darren B. Taichman

Clinical Practice Points

Adverse Effects of Low-Dose Methotrexate. A Randomized Trial

Although low-dose methotrexate is commonly used for the treatment of rheumatic diseases, data regarding potential adverse events are limited. This article reports the results of a rigorous, prospective evaluation of adverse events occurring with the use of low-dose methotrexate in a randomized, placebo-controlled trial.
Use this study to:
  • Start a teaching session with a multiple-choice question. We've provided one below!

  • Ask your learners whether any of their patients are taking methotrexate. Who prescribed it? For what indication?

  • How does methotrexate work? Why is folic acid prescribed with it?

  • Ask your learners to list potential side effects of methotrexate. How often do they occur? Are they dose-dependent? How is methotrexate therapy monitored?

  • Review the results of this study. Are they surprising? Reassuring?

  • What are the implications of the study participants having to complete an active “run-in” period? How does this affect our interpretation of the results?

Pharmacotherapy for the Treatment of Cannabis Use Disorder. A Systematic Review

Among regular users, cannabis may lead to physiologic dependence with withdrawal symptoms, but currently no pharmacotherapies have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for treating cannabis use disorder (CUD). This systematic review evaluates available randomized trials of pharmacologic therapies to treat CUD in adults and adolescents.
Use this study to:
  • Ask your learners how acute cannabis intoxication may present. Use the information in DynaMed: Cannabis Use, a benefit of your ACP membership.

  • How is CUD defined? What are the potential symptoms? The authors address this in the paper's introduction and discussion.

  • What therapeutic approaches are used for CUD? What did this study find regarding their benefits and risks?

  • What were the limitations of the studies the authors evaluated? How might high rates of attrition bias the results of a clinical trial?

Physical Examination Pearls

The Hamman Sign: A Case Report With Audio Recording

This case report describes the presentation and evaluation of a patient with abnormal sounds in his chest—and includes an audio recording for teaching!
Use this report to:
  • Ask your learners if they know what the Hamman sign is.

  • With what entities is it associated?

  • Play the recording of the chest sounds to your learners.

Humanism and Professionalism

On Being a Doctor: On Agitation

Describing her experiences facing an agitated patient, Dr. McCann reflects, “So many of the emotions that arise when a patient is agitated or upset can feel utterly impermissible, antithetical to what it means to be a good health care provider. Yet, there they are, deep seams coursing through the everyday whether we name and meet them or not.”
Use this essay to:
  • Listen to an audio recording, read by Dr. Michael LaCombe.

  • Ask your learners to describe their encounters with acutely agitated patients. Have they felt personally threatened? Have they been scared?

  • What should be done when a patient is a threat to themselves or others? Do your learners know what to do?

  • Are we expected to put ourselves in harm's way?

  • Dr. McCann believes it is better to “meet” our “impermissible” emotions in such situations. What are they? Why is it better to “meet” them?

A History Lesson

Annals for Hospitalists Inpatient Notes - Hospital Wards

Dr. Howell's short and engaging essay discusses why hospitals used to have wards, why they disappeared, and how our profession has changed with this evolution.
Use this essay to:
  • Ask your learners what is meant by “the wards.” Have any of them seen a large, open hospital ward with multiple patient beds?

  • Do your learners agree with the author that the demise of wards has limited our interaction with nursing colleagues? Can your learners propose changes to current practice to regain some of the prior benefits of practicing on wards?

MKSAP 18 Question 1

A 67-year-old woman is evaluated for a 3-year history of severe rheumatoid arthritis. She had an inadequate response to methotrexate and low-dose prednisone. She responded well to the addition of infliximab, but eventually the drug lost effect and she required a change in biologic therapy. She has done well with tocilizumab and methotrexate over the past year. She notes several months of prominent fatigue. History is also significant for type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Current medications are methotrexate, folic acid, tocilizumab, basal insulin, lisinopril, metoprolol, atorvastatin, ibuprofen, and omeprazole.
On physical examination, vital signs are normal. Joint examination reveals no swollen or tender joints. The remainder of the physical examination is normal.

Laboratory studies:

Hemoglobin 9.3 g/dL (93 g/L) 
Leukocyte count 5600/µL (5.6 × 109/L) 
Mean corpuscular volume 111 fL 
Platelet count 330,000/µL (330 × 109/L) 
Hemoglobin 9.3 g/dL (93 g/L) 
Leukocyte count 5600/µL (5.6 × 109/L) 
Mean corpuscular volume 111 fL 
Platelet count 330,000/µL (330 × 109/L) 
Which of the following is the most likely cause of the anemia?
A. Inflammation
B. Iron deficiency
C. Methotrexate
D. Tocilizumab
Correct Answer
C. Methotrexate
Educational Objective
Diagnose methotrexate-induced anemia.
The most likely diagnosis is methotrexate-induced anemia. Methotrexate can cause stomatitis, hepatic inflammation and fibrosis, and myelotoxicity, including megaloblastic anemia and pancytopenia. Folic acid supplementation is mandatory in all patients receiving methotrexate and can prevent the development of stomatitis and hepatotoxicity (as measured by elevated aminotransferase levels). Hematologic toxicity, however, can occur even with folic acid supplementation. In this patient, a rise in mean corpuscular volume (MCV) indicates a likely megaloblastic anemia, and methotrexate is the likely cause. Guidelines from the American College of Rheumatology recommend periodic monitoring of the complete blood count every 4 weeks during the first 3 months of therapy, every 8 to 12 weeks from 3 to 6 months, and every 8 to 12 weeks thereafter.
Inflammatory anemia (anemia of chronic disease) is a common manifestation of rheumatoid arthritis and is usually a mild, normocytic anemia. Most patients experience symptoms related to their underlying disease rather than the anemia. Inflammatory anemia would not present with this degree of anemia or macrocytosis.
Typical features of iron deficiency are identical to those of any symptomatic anemia but may be subtle owing to an insidious onset of the condition. Headache and pica (craving for typically undesirable items such as ice, dirt, clay, paper, and laundry starch) are frequently associated symptoms; other less common symptoms include restless legs syndrome and hair loss. The hallmark of iron deficiency is a microcytic hypochromic anemia. However, this is usually only seen in advanced iron deficiency, and anemia tends to precede morphologic changes in the cells. The presence of macrocytosis makes iron deficiency unlikely.
Tocilizumab is not associated with a macrocytic anemia. Through its anti-inflammatory properties, it may decrease the likelihood of inflammatory-induced anemia in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Key Point
Methotrexate use can result in a megaloblastic anemia or pancytopenia; periodic monitoring of the complete blood count is recommended.
Shea B, Swinden MV, Ghogomu ET, Ortiz Z, Katchamart W, Rader T, et al. Folic acid and folinic acid for reducing side effects in patients receiving methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2014;41:1049-60. doi:10.3899/jrheum.130738

MKSAP 18 Question 2

A 25-year-old woman is hospitalized for a 4-week history of swelling of the legs, weight gain, and shortness of breath on exertion. She was diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus 1 year ago when she presented with polyarthritis, rash, and alopecia. She was initially treated with hydroxychloroquine and prednisone with a good response.
On physical examination, blood pressure is 142/96 mm Hg; other vital signs are normal. There is pitting edema of the lower extremities extending to the knees. The remainder of the physical examination is normal.

Laboratory studies:

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 68 mm/h 
Hematocrit 38% 
Complements (C3 and C4) Low 
Creatinine 1.0 mg/dL (88.4 µmol/L) 
Anti-Smith antibodies Positive 
Anti–double-stranded DNA antibodies Positive 
Urinalysis 3+ protein; no erythrocytes; no leukocytes; no casts 
Urine protein 6000 mg/24 h 
Erythrocyte sedimentation rate 68 mm/h 
Hematocrit 38% 
Complements (C3 and C4) Low 
Creatinine 1.0 mg/dL (88.4 µmol/L) 
Anti-Smith antibodies Positive 
Anti–double-stranded DNA antibodies Positive 
Urinalysis 3+ protein; no erythrocytes; no leukocytes; no casts 
Urine protein 6000 mg/24 h 
The patient is started on prednisone, along with diuretics and an ACE inhibitor.
Kidney biopsy results show class V (membranous) lupus nephritis with absent chronicity and mild activity.
Which of the following is the most appropriate treatment of the kidney disease?
A. Adalimumab
B. Belimumab
C. Cyclophosphamide
D. Methotrexate
E. Mycophenolate mofetil
Correct Answer
E. Mycophenolate mofetil
Educational Objective
Treat class V (membranous) lupus nephritis.
Mycophenolate mofetil is the most appropriate treatment of this patient's kidney disease. Classification of lupus nephritis is based on findings by light microscopy, electron microscopy, and immunofluorescence. This patient with recently diagnosed systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) now presents with proteinuria likely due to lupus nephritis (likely class V, membranous). Guidelines recommend aggressive therapy with immunosuppressives for significant kidney involvement. A number of immunosuppressive therapies are beneficial in the treatment of SLE nephritis, including mycophenolate mofetil, cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, and rituximab. In the treatment of isolated class V lupus nephritis, especially without kidney dysfunction, mycophenolate mofetil is the most appropriate initial immunosuppressive therapy based on the guideline recommendations. Importantly, mycophenolate mofetil is teratogenic and has been associated with fetal harm and death; it must be stopped 3 months before a planned pregnancy.
Adalimumab has not been shown to be effective in lupus nephritis and may potentially worsen the disease based on animal data.
Belimumab may be considered in patients with continued SLE activity after standard therapy has been tried and found to be ineffective. Its role in the treatment of lupus nephritis continues to evolve but is currently not well defined. Its use in this patient should not be considered before having tried standard therapy.
Cyclophosphamide may be considered in this patient and used appropriately in patients with lupus nephritis but is not an appropriate first choice due to a higher rate of side effects compared with mycophenolate mofetil, as well as its effect on reducing fertility and premature menopause. Cyclophosphamide is typically reserved for severe active nephritis to induce remission, followed by mycophenolate mofetil or possibly azathioprine as maintenance therapy.
Methotrexate is not effective in lupus nephritis and may be associated with toxicity in a patient with kidney disease.
Key Point
Mycophenolate mofetil is the most appropriate initial immunosuppressive therapy in the treatment of isolated class V lupus nephritis, especially without kidney dysfunction.
Hahn BH, McMahon MA, Wilkinson A, Wallace WD, Daikh DI, Fitzgerald JD, et al; American College of Rheumatology. American College of Rheumatology guidelines for screening, treatment, and management of lupus nephritis. Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken). 2012;64:797-808. doi:10.1002/acr.21664
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  • 用选择题开始教学课程。我们在下面提供了一个!

  • 询问您的学习者,他们的患者是否正在服用甲氨蝶呤。谁开的?有什么指示?

  • 甲氨蝶呤如何工作?为什么要处方叶酸?

  • 让您的学习者列出甲氨蝶呤的潜在副作用。它们多久发生一次?他们是剂量依赖性的吗?如何监测甲氨蝶呤治疗?

  • 查看本研究的结果。他们感到惊讶吗?放心吗

  • 研究参与者必须完成一个活跃的“磨合”期有什么含义?这如何影响我们对结果的解释?


  • 问你的学习者可能会出现急性大麻中毒的情况。使用DynaMed:大麻使用中的信息,这是ACP成员资格的一项好处。

  • 如何定义CUD?有哪些潜在的症状?作者在论文的介绍和讨论中解决了这一问题。

  • CUD使用什么治疗方法?这项研究发现了哪些好处和风险?

  • 作者评估的研究有哪些局限性?高流失率会如何影响临床试验的结果?



  • 询问您的学习者是否知道哈曼标志是什么。

  • 它与哪些实体相关联?

  • 向您的学习者播放胸部声音的录音。



  • 收听录音,由Michael LaCombe博士朗读。

  • 要求您的学习者描述他们与急躁患者的相遇。他们是否感到了个人威胁?他们害怕了吗?

  • 当患者对自己或他人构成威胁时,该怎么办?您的学习者知道该怎么做吗?

  • 我们是否应该以伤害自己的方式对待自己?

  • 麦肯博士认为,在这种情况下最好是“满足”我们“不允许的”情绪。这些是什么?为什么“见面”会更好?



  • 问您的学习者“病房”的含义。他们中有没有人看到一个宽敞的,开放的,有多个病床的医院病房?

  • 您的学习者是否同意作者的观点,即病房的消亡限制了我们与护理同事之间的互动?您的学习者是否可以提出对当前实践的建议,以重新获得在病房进行实践的某些先前的好处?

MKSAP 18问题1



血红蛋白 9.3克/分升(93克/升) 
白细胞计数 5600 / µL(5.6×10 9 /升) 
平均红细胞体积 111升 
血小板计数 330,000 / µL(330×10 9 / L) 
血红蛋白 9.3克/分升(93克/升) 
白细胞计数 5600 / µL(5.6×10 9 /升) 
平均红细胞体积 111升 
血小板计数 330,000 / µL(330×10 9 / L) 
Shea B,Swinden MV,Ghogomu ET,Ortiz Z,Katchamart W,Rader T等。叶酸和亚叶酸可降低氨甲蝶呤类风湿关节炎患者的副作用。J风湿病。2014; 41:1049-60。doi:10.3899 / jrheum.130738

MKSAP 18问题2



红细胞沉降率 68毫米/小时 
分血器 38% 
补语(C3和C4) 低 
肌酐 1.0 mg / dL(88.4 µmol / L) 
抗史密斯抗体 正 
抗双链DNA抗体 正 
尿液分析 3+蛋白;没有红细胞;没有白细胞;没有演员 
尿蛋白 6000毫克/ 24小时 
红细胞沉降率 68毫米/小时 
分血器 38% 
补语(C3和C4) 低 
肌酐 1.0 mg / dL(88.4 µmol / L) 
抗史密斯抗体 正 
抗双链DNA抗体 正 
尿液分析 3+蛋白;没有红细胞;没有白细胞;没有演员 
尿蛋白 6000毫克/ 24小时 
Hahn BH,McMahon MA,Wilkinson A,Wallace WD,Daikh DI,Fitzgerald JD等;美国风湿病学院。美国风湿病学会筛查,治疗和管理狼疮性肾炎的指南。关节炎护理资源(Hoboken)。2012; 64:797-808。doi:10.1002 / acr.21664