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A randomly weighted minimum arborescence with a random cost constraint
arXiv - CS - Discrete Mathematics Pub Date : 2019-07-08 , DOI: arxiv-1907.03375
Alan Frieze and Tomasz Tkocz

We study the minimum spanning arborescence problem on the complete digraph $\vec{K}_n$ where an edge $e$ has a weight $W_e$ and a cost $C_e$, each of which is an independent uniform random variable $U^\alpha$ where $\alpha\leq 1$ and $U$ is uniform $[0,1]$. There is also a constraint that the spanning arborescence $T$ must satisfy $C(T)\leq c_0$. We establish, for a range of values for $c_0,\alpha$, the asymptotic value of the optimum weight via the consideration of a dual problem.



我们研究完全有向图 $\vec{K}_n$ 上的最小生成树形问题,其中边 $e$ 的权重 $W_e$ 和成本 $C_e$,每个都是独立的均匀随机变量 $U^ \alpha$ 其中 $\alpha\leq 1$ 和 $U$ 是统一的 $[0,1]$。还有一个约束,即生成树状结构 $T$ 必须满足 $C(T)\leq c_0$。我们通过考虑对偶问题,为 $c_0,\alpha$ 的一系列值建立了最佳权重的渐近值。