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Timing of Arabia-Eurasia collision: Constraints from restoration of crustal-scale cross-sections
Journal of Structural Geology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-06-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsg.2020.104041
Hao Su , Jianxun Zhou

Abstract The timing of Arabia-Eurasia collision is crucial to the understanding of evolution of the Zagros orogen as well as the Himalaya-Tibet orogeny, but it remains an issue of considerable controversy. Drastically different estimates, ranging from 65 to 5 Ma, have been proposed for this issue. Although many workers prefer to consider that the Arabia-Eurasia collision initiated at 36–20 Ma, most of the tectonic responses to the collision occurred after 20 Ma. In this paper, we reconstruct the pre-collisional Arabian northeastern and Eurasian southwestern boundaries based on the restoration of ten crustal-scale cross-sections across the main body of the Arabia-Eurasia collision system, from which together with the positions of Arabia relative to Eurasia during the Cenozoic we infer the timing of Arabia-Eurasia collision. Our work shows that the Arabia-Eurasia collision started no earlier than ~18.3 ± 1.2 Ma and that since the collision at least ~152 ± 30-km-wide Arabian crust has underthrust Eurasia and Eurasian crust has been shortened for at least ~37 km. This may provide a reasonable explanation for why most of the tectonic responses to the collision occurred after 20 Ma.