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Fracture risk factors among children living in New Zealand.
The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-16 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jsbmb.2020.105655
Maryam Delshad 1 , Kathryn L Beck 1 , Cathryn A Conlon 1 , Owen Mugridge 1 , Marlena C Kruger 1 , Pamela R von Hurst 1

Factures are common during childhood. There are limited data available regarding relationships between bone fracture history and calcium intake, sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs) intake, vitamin D status, physical activity (PA), ethnicity, and body composition in New Zealand (NZ) children. Identifying groups of NZ children at risk of fracture and associated predictors may help to improve bone quality during childhood and decrease the risk of fractures throughout life. The aim of this study was to investigate fracture history and associated risk factors in New Zealand children. Children aged 8-12 years were recruited. Capillary blood spots collected from a finger prick were as analyzed for 25(OH)D concentrations. Bioelectrical impedance analysis (InBody720, Seoul, Korea) was used to measure body fat percentage (%BF). Information about fracture history, siblings' history of fractures, family osteoporosis history, PA, ethnicity, and intake of calcium containing foods, and SSBs was collected using questionnaires. Children (n = 647, 354 girls), mean ± SD age 9.8 ± 0.7 years were recruited from six Auckland primary schools. NZ European (n = 252) (NZE) and South Asian (n = 68) children reported the lowest (20.2 %) and highest (44.1 %) fracture incidence, respectively. NZE compared to South Asian children, had higher 25(OH)D concentrations (74.6 ± 19.8 vs. 48.4 ± 19.3 nmol/L, P < 0.001), higher total calcium intake (764.0 ± 394.4 vs. 592.7 ± 266.3 mg/d, P < 0.018), and lower %BF (19.5 ± 6.6 vs. 23.4 ± 8.4, P < 0.003). Māori children had the next highest fracture rate (32.5 %). This group had adequate 25(OH)D (64.2 ± 18.9 nmol/L), but high %BF (23.9 %) and most participated in vigorous PA. After stratifying by sex, binary logistic regression analysis revealed the main determinants of fracture history for boys were high %BF, low 25(OH)D, low calcium intake, high SSBs consumption, siblings' fracture history, family osteoporosis history, and being South Asian; and in girls, high SSBs consumption, siblings' fracture history, and family osteoporosis history. We found South Asian ethnicity was a significant risk factor for boys. Some children were at high risk of vitamin D deficiency and for whom supplementation may be necessary in winter. Good nutrition (especially good sources of calcium and reducing SSBs intakes) should be recommended to children during growth and development to reduce their risk of fractures.



幼年时期常见于面部。关于骨折病史与钙摄入量,糖甜饮料(SSB)摄入量,维生素D状况,体力活动(PA),种族和新西兰儿童身体组成之间的关系的可用数据有限。识别有骨折风险的NZ儿童组和相关的预测因素可能有助于改善儿童时期的骨质并降低终生骨折的风险。这项研究的目的是调查新西兰儿童的骨折史和相关的危险因素。招募了8-12岁的儿童。分析从手指刺中采集的毛细血管血斑中25(OH)D的浓度。生物电阻抗分析(InBody720,韩国首尔)用于测量人体脂肪百分比(%BF)。使用调查表收集有关骨折史,兄弟姐妹骨折史,家族骨质疏松史,PA,种族和含钙食物摄入量以及SSB的信息。从奥克兰的六所小学招募了儿童(n = 647,354个女孩),平均数±SD年龄9.8±0.7岁。新西兰欧洲(n = 252)(NZE)和南亚(n = 68)儿童分别报告了最低的骨折发生率(20.2%)和最高的骨折发生率(44.1%)。与南亚儿童相比,NZE的25(OH)D浓度较高(74.6±19.8 vs. 48.4±19.3 nmol / L,P <0.001),总钙摄入量较高(764.0±394.4 vs. 592.7±266.3 mg / d, P <0.018)和更低的%BF(19.5±6.6对23.4±8.4,P <0.003)。毛利族儿童的骨折发生率次高(32.5%)。该组有足够的25(OH)D(64.2±18.9 nmol / L),但%BF高(23。9%),并且大多数参加了有力的PA。按性别分层后,二元logistic回归分析显示,男孩骨折史的主要决定因素是高%BF,低25(OH)D,低钙摄入,高SSBs摄入,兄弟姐妹的骨折史,家庭骨质疏松史和南方亚洲人 在女孩中,高SSB摄入量,兄弟姐妹的骨折史以及家庭骨质疏松病史。我们发现,南亚种族是男孩的重要危险因素。一些儿童存在维生素D缺乏症的高风险,在冬季可能需要补充这些儿童。应建议儿童在成长和发育期间保持良好的营养(尤其是良好的钙源和减少SSB的摄入量),以减少骨折的风险。二元logistic回归分析显示,男孩骨折史的主要决定因素是高%BF,低25(OH)D,低钙摄入,高SSBs摄入,兄弟姐妹的骨折史,家族骨质疏松史和南亚人。在女孩中,高SSB摄入量,兄弟姐妹的骨折史以及家庭骨质疏松病史。我们发现,南亚种族是男孩的重要危险因素。一些儿童存在维生素D缺乏症的高风险,在冬季可能需要补充这些儿童。应建议儿童在成长和发育期间保持良好的营养(尤其是良好的钙源和减少SSB的摄入量),以减少骨折的风险。二元逻辑回归分析显示,男孩骨折史的主要决定因素是高%BF,低25(OH)D,低钙摄入,高SSBs消耗,兄弟姐妹的骨折史,家族骨质疏松史和南亚人。在女孩中,高SSB摄入量,兄弟姐妹的骨折史以及家庭骨质疏松病史。我们发现,南亚种族是男孩的重要危险因素。一些儿童存在维生素D缺乏症的高风险,在冬季可能需要补充这些儿童。应建议儿童在成长和发育期间保持良好的营养(尤其是良好的钙源和减少SSB的摄入量),以减少骨折的风险。SSB消费量高,兄弟姐妹的骨折史,家族骨质疏松病史以及南亚人;在女孩中,SSB摄入量高,兄弟姐妹的骨折史和家庭骨质疏松病史。我们发现,南亚种族是男孩的重要危险因素。一些儿童存在维生素D缺乏症的高风险,在冬季可能需要补充这些儿童。应建议儿童在成长和发育期间保持良好的营养(尤其是良好的钙源和减少SSB的摄入量),以减少骨折的风险。SSB消费量高,兄弟姐妹的骨折史,家族骨质疏松病史以及南亚人;在女孩中,高SSB摄入量,兄弟姐妹的骨折史以及家庭骨质疏松病史。我们发现,南亚种族是男孩的重要危险因素。一些儿童存在维生素D缺乏症的高风险,在冬季可能需要补充这些儿童。应建议儿童在成长和发育期间保持良好的营养(尤其是良好的钙源和减少SSB的摄入量),以减少骨折的风险。一些儿童存在维生素D缺乏症的高风险,在冬季可能需要补充这些儿童。应建议儿童在成长和发育期间保持良好的营养(尤其是良好的钙源和减少SSB的摄入量),以减少骨折的风险。一些儿童存在维生素D缺乏症的高风险,在冬季可能需要补充这些儿童。应建议儿童在成长和发育期间保持良好的营养(尤其是良好的钙源和减少SSB的摄入量),以减少骨折的风险。