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New Onset Recurrent Syncope Triggered by Fever
Circulation ( IF 35.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-16 , DOI: 10.1161/circulationaha.119.045531
Miguel A. Arias 1 , Marta Pachón 1 , Gerard Loughlin 1

A 51-year-old woman with a medical history of treated primary hypothyroidism was admitted to the emergency department because of a syncopal episode preceded by palpitations with no other prodromal symptoms. The patient experienced occasional episodes of palpitations in the past without loss of consciousness that coincided with febrile episodes and were resolved once the fever was controlled. Upon arrival at the hospital, she referred a 2-day history of sore throat and was found to be febrile at 101.3°F with otherwise normal vital signs. Physical examination revealed the presence of tonsillopharyngeal erythema and cervical lymphadenopathy. Cardiac examination was unremarkable except for the presence of an irregular heart rhythm upon auscultation, with no murmurs, rubs, or gallops. Laboratory work was normal including normal thyroid levels. A chest X-ray showed no infiltrates or consolidations. An electrocardiogram was performed (Figure 1). A transthoracic echocardiogram ruled out the presence of structural heart disease. What is the most likely cause for the syncopal episode? How should the patient be managed?

Figure 1. Twelve-lead electrocardiogram on presentation. Short coupling interval premature ventricular complexes showing left bundle branch block morphology and left superior frontal plane axis are evident.

Please turn the page to read the diagnosis.

Acute streptococcal pharyngitis was diagnosed and antibiotics and ibuprofen were started. She was placed on telemetry monitoring while complaining of palpitations related to monomorphic premature ventricular complexes (PVCs). The presenting ECG (Figure 1) shows sinus rhythm at 100 beats per minute, with frequent short coupling interval PVCs (230 ms). These had left bundle-branch block morphology and a left superior frontal plane axis with a negative concordance pattern in precordial leads which suggested an origin in the right ventricle.

Shortly after arrival and after a period of bigeminism, the patient experienced a loss of consciousness with documentation of ventricular fibrillation (VF) that required external defibrillation (Figure 2). She presented many subsequent episodes even after intravenous lidocaine and amiodarone. Finally, deep sedation and endotracheal intubation were required. During the next 48 hours, she presented new VF episodes triggered by the same PVC morphology, always coinciding with fever. Only once the patient became afebrile was the burden of PVCs drastically reduced, with no additional VF episodes. A coronary angiography revealed no coronary lesions.

Figure 2. Telemetry strip for the first recorded episode of premature ventricular complexes-related sustained malignant ventricular arrhythmia. Initially, a torsade de pointes is induced after a premature ventricular complex with an initiating coupling interval of 230 ms that subsequently degenerates into ventricular fibrillation. The episode is preceded by a period of ventricular bigeminy and terminated by an external 200J shock.

The presence of recurrent syncope and documentation of short coupling interval PVCs in patients without structural heart disease have been well described as a potential source for sudden cardiac death related to what is called idiopathic VF.1 That entity is considered a diagnosis of exclusion in patients who have survived a VF episode without any identifiable structural or metabolic cause. Predominantly, VF initiates by PVCs from the left or right Purkinje system in more than 90% of the cases.1 The mechanisms for these PVCs are usually abnormal automaticity, triggered activity, or, less frequently, reentry. More rarely, the PVCs can be originated in the ventricular myocardium including the right ventricular outflow tract, the papillary muscle, or the moderator band of the right ventricle. Catheter ablation of the PVCs that initiate VF is associated with high rates of success.2 However, implantation of a cardioverter-defibrillator is advised in all cases because some patients who have a VF recurrence present a new morphology of PVC triggering VF.2 In patients with Brugada syndrome, the relationship between VF and fever as a trigger has been well established. Although less common, such a relationship has also been described for patients with idiopathic VF.3 The mechanism may be related to temperature-dependent modifications of ion channel properties or expression that facilitate spontaneous activity within the Purkinje system as triggers of VF.

In our patient, an electrophysiological study was performed 3 days later. Isolated PVCs were recorded at the beginning of the study. The apical free wall of the right ventricle was the site of earliest ventricular activation during spontaneous PVCs. At that point, a Purkinje potential was recorded preceding ventricular activation and perfect-matched morphology by pace-mapping was obtained as well (Figure 3). Catheter ablation at that point and surrounding points with preceding Purkinje potentials was performed. Spontaneous PVCs were completely abolished. Before discharge, Brugada syndrome was ruled out after a negative drug challenge with flecainide and a cardioverter-defibrillator was implanted. After 7 years of follow-up, no VF recurrence has occurred, and the patient remains completely asymptomatic.

Figure 3. Electrocardiogram and leads with intracardiac recordings.A, Electrocardiogram for a spontaneous premature ventricular complex during the electrophysiological study and exact pace-mapping at the site of the earliest ventricular activation. The premature ventricular complexes showed the same short coupling interval but discrete morphological changes (precordial lead transition in V5) in comparison with those recorded at admission probably related to changes in electrode placement or slightly different exit sites for the same premature ventricular complex. B, Electrocardiographic leads II, V1, V3 and V5 and intracardiac recordings during a spontaneous premature ventricular complex at the site of earliest ventricular activation (30 ms) and exact pace-mapping. A sharp signal (Purkinje potential) preceding the local ventricular activation at the distal ablation catheter electrogram (Abl d) is evident (*). Abl p indicates proximal ablation catheter electrogram; Abl u, unipolar ablation catheter electrogram; HBE, His bundle electrogram; PVC, premature ventricular complex; and RV, right ventricular electrogram.






图1. 十二导联心电图。短的耦合间隔早搏心室复合体显示左束支传导阻滞形态和左上额叶平面轴很明显。




图2. 记录的早发性室性早搏相关的持续性恶性室性心律失常的遥测带。最初,在过早的心室复合体之后,以230 ms的起始耦合间隔诱发扭转点,随后退化为心室纤颤。发作之前有一段心室重婚期,并因外部200J休克而终止。



图3. 心电图和带心内记录的导线。A,在电生理研究过程中自发性早发性心室复合体的心电图,以及在最早的心室激活部位的精确起搏图。与入院时记录的那些相比,早发性脑室复合物显示出相同的短耦合间隔,但具有不连续的形态学变化(V5的心前导联转变),可能与同一早发性脑室复合物的电极位置变化或出口位置略有不同。,心电图导联II,V1,V3和V5以及自发性早发性心室复合体在最早的心室激活(30毫秒)和准确的步速映射部位出现的心内记录。在远端消融导管电描记图(Abl d)处的局部心室激活之前,有一个清晰的信号(浦肯野电位)是明显的(*)。Abl p表示近端消融导管电描记图;单极消融导管电描记图;HBE,他的束电描记图;PVC,室性早搏;和RV,右心室电描记图。


