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Suicide Attempts Among LVAD Recipients
Circulation ( IF 35.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-10 , DOI: 10.1161/circulationaha.119.041910
Marion Charton 1 , Erwan Flécher 1, 2 , Christophe Leclercq 1 , Clément Delmas 3 , Camille Dambrin 3 , Céline Goeminne 4 , André Vincentelli 4 , Magali Michel 5 , Laurence Lehelias 5 , Constance Verdonk 6 , Marylou Para 6 , Matteo Pozzi 7 , Jean-François Obadia 7 , Aude Boignard 8 , Olivier Chavanon 8 , Laurent Barandon 9 , Karine Nubret 9 , Michel Kindo 10 , Tam Hoang Minh 10 , Philippe Gaudard 11 , Edeline Pelcé 12 , Vlad Gariboldi 12 , Pierre-Yves Litzler 13 , Frédéric Anselme 13 , Gerard Babatasi 14 , Annette Belin 14 , Fabien Garnier 15 , Marie Bielefeld 15 , David Hamon 16 , Nicolas Lellouche 16 , Thierry Bourguignon 17 , Thibaud Genet 17 , Romain Eschalier 18 , Nicolas D’Ostrevy 18 , Marie-Cécile Bories 19 , Jérôme Jouan 19 , Fabrice Vanhuyse 20 , Hugues Blangy 20 , Julie Doucerain 21 , Raphael P. Martins 1 , Vincent Galand 1

Left ventricular assist device (LVAD) implantation is an alternative therapy for end-stage heart failure. Numerous complications are associated with LVADs, including psychiatric disorders such as anxiety and depression. Data regarding the suicide risk in this population are lacking. We aimed at describing the incidence of suicide in LVAD recipients included in the multicenter ASSIST-ICD observational study (Determination of Risk Factors of Ventricular Arrhythmias After Implantation of Continuous Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device With Continuous Flow Left Ventricular Assist Device).

ASSIST-ICD (https://www.clinicaltrials.gov; unique identifier: NCT02873169) is a study of LVAD implanted in 19 French centers. Detailed methods have been published.1 Among the 659 LVAD recipients included, 494 (87% men; mean age, 58.9 years [range, 50.3 to 65.8]) were discharged from the hospital and included in this study. History of suicide attempts was reviewed. Clinical data, psychiatric history, and characteristics of suicide or suicide attempts were collected for each patient. The study was approved by an institutional review committee, and the participants gave informed consent.

Among the 494 patients, 10 (2.0%) attempted or completed suicide over 18.8 months of follow-up. Eight completed suicide, either by unplugging or sectioning their LVAD cable or drug intoxication; 1 attempted suicide by drug intoxication; and 1 attempted suicide by driveline section. Their characteristics are summarized in the Table. Nine were men, and 2 had a history of a psychiatric disorder. Of note, 8 of 10 (80%) patients were implanted as destination therapy compared with 162 of 484 (33.5%) patients without suicide (P=0.006). Of the 10 patients who attempted or completed suicide, 4 did not have a psychiatric evaluation before LVAD surgery. The median duration of hospital stay after LVAD surgery was 46.5 days (range, 36.0 to 70.0) and suicide attempt occurred on average 12.5 months after the LVAD implantation. Six patients experienced ≤1 hospitalization after initial hospital discharge. A majority of patients (8 of 10) expressed psychiatric symptoms, such as sadness, solitude, or hopelessness. Of 10 patients who attempted or completed suicide, 2 (20%) were followed in a center with an LVAD coordinator compared with 293 of 484 (60.5%) patients without suicide attempt (P=0.02).

In France, the suicide attempt rate is ~0.03% per year (200,000 events/year). This frequency increases among patients with chronic diseases such as chronic heart failure (0.06%/year). In our series, the incidence of suicide in LVAD recipients (2% after 18.8 months of follow-up) appears even higher than in those with other chronic diseases. In the INTERMACS registry (Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support), psychiatric episodes were estimated around 1%, but the prevalence of suicide was not specified.2

The reasons for the apparently increased incidence of attempted or completed suicide in LVAD recipients are speculative. Our data identified 2 variables that were associated with attempted or completed suicide: implantation for destination therapy and follow-up at a center without an LVAD coordinator. If confirmed by others, the latter is a potentially modifiable practice that could be tested as a means to lower the frequency of suicide. There is plausibility to this finding given that LVAD coordinators are in a unique position, serving as a link between patients’ families and medical teams, and could identify early symptoms of psychiatric disorders. Similarly, staff at cardiac rehabilitation centers may have this opportunity, although our data did not address this possibility. We found a high frequency of psychiatric symptoms (80%) among those who attempted or completed suicide, highlighting the role for psychiatrists as part of a multidisciplinary LVAD team.

A number of potential factors, such as alteration of body image, lack of return to full-time employment, feeling burdensome to caregivers, or increased dependence on the medical team, could contribute to the development of psychiatric symptoms in LVAD recipients. Ensuring that patients have rigorous motivation for the treatment, social support, and extensive preoperative education about life after LVAD implantation may mitigate the development of such symptoms. Assessing patients’ satisfaction or decision regret after LVAD implantation could identify those requiring psychological support and detect emerging signs of psychological distress, especially in patients implanted as destination therapy.3

In conclusion, we found a 2.0% risk of attempted or completed suicide in LVAD recipients, which is higher than in the general population or those with other chronic diseases in France. These data emphasize the need to develop strategies to minimize the risk of this event in LVAD recipients, especially among those implanted as destination therapy.

Table. Patient Characteristics and Follow-Up

DT indicates destination therapy; INTERMACS, Interagency Registry for Mechanically Assisted Circulatory Support; LVAD, left ventricular assist device; and NA, not available.

Editorial support was provided by Dr William J. Hucker.

This research was supported by the French Federation of Cardiology.


The full author list is available on page 935.


The data, analytic methods, and study materials are not available to other researchers.





在494例患者中,有10例(2.0%)在18.8个月的随访中未曾自杀。通过拔出或切开LVAD电缆或中毒使八人完全自杀;1例因药物中毒而自杀;另有1人在传动系自杀未遂。表中总结了它们的特性。男性9人,其中2人有精神病史。值得注意的是,每10名患者中有8名(80%)被植入作为目的地疗法,而484名患者中有162名(33.5%)没有自杀(P= 0.006)。在10名企图自杀或自杀的患者中,有4名在LVAD手术前没有进行精神病评估。LVAD手术后的中位住院时间为46.5天(范围为36.0至70.0),平均在LVAD植入后12.5个月内自杀未遂。初次出院后,有6名患者住院≤1。大多数患者(10人中有8人)表现出精神病症状,例如悲伤,孤独或绝望。在10名企图自杀或完全自杀的患者中,有2名(20%)在有LVAD协调员的中心接受随访,而484名(60.5%)无自杀企图的患者为293名(P = 0.02)。







William J. Hucker博士提供了编辑支持。





