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Rooted water collectives: Towards an analytical framework
Ecological Economics ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106651
Jeroen Vos , Rutgerd Boelens , Jean-Philippe Venot , Marcel Kuper

This paper presents an analytical framework to identify and understand grassroots water governance practices, which we call ‘rooted water collectives’ (RWC). RWCs can be multi-scalar organizations that engage in common property resources management or multi-scalar social movements that advocate for common property resources governance. The framework, which we open for discussion, scrutinizes (1) the extent to which ‘rooted water collectives’ are ‘grounded’ in the sense they address locally perceived water control problems and resort to water-context embedded meaning, values, identities, belonging and vernacular knowledge; (2) their internal decision-making dynamics; and (3) their effectiveness in achieving impact at multiple scales. It also considers five contextual factors that enable and constrain RWC development. RWC can be deployed as a conceptual lens, but also as an empirical manifestation constituting the object and subject of research. It differs from wide-spread top-down-implemented participatory water management approaches and common property resources management research, in the importance it gives to politics, advocacy and multi-scale social movements. The framework is illustrated with a cursory analysis of four cases: irrigators' federations in Peru; the ‘new water culture’ movement in Spain; collective irrigation in oases in North Africa; and loosely structured networks of irrigation water users in Cambodia.



本文提出了一个分析框架来识别和理解基层水治理实践,我们称之为“根基水集体”(RWC)。RWC 可以是从事公共财产资源管理的多尺度组织,也可以是倡导公共财产资源治理的多尺度社会运动。我们公开讨论的框架审查了 (1) “根深蒂固的水集体”在多大程度上“扎根”,因为他们解决了当地感知的水控制问题,并诉诸于与水相关的嵌入意义、价值观、身份、归属感和白话知识;(2) 他们的内部决策动态;(3) 它们在实现多尺度影响方面的有效性。它还考虑了促成和限制 RWC 发展的五个背景因素。RWC 既可以作为一个概念镜头,也可以作为构成研究对象和主题的经验表现形式。它不同于广泛采用的自上而下实施的参与式水资源管理方法和公共财产资源管理研究,因为它对政治、宣传和多尺度社会运动具有重要意义。该框架通过对四个案例的粗略分析来说明:秘鲁的灌溉协会;西班牙的“新水文化”运动;北非绿洲的集体灌溉;以及结构松散的柬埔寨灌溉用水用户网络。它不同于广泛采用的自上而下实施的参与式水资源管理方法和公共财产资源管理研究,因为它对政治、宣传和多尺度社会运动具有重要意义。该框架通过对四个案例的粗略分析来说明:秘鲁的灌溉协会;西班牙的“新水文化”运动;北非绿洲的集体灌溉;以及结构松散的柬埔寨灌溉用水用户网络。它不同于广泛传播的自上而下实施的参与式水资源管理方法和公共财产资源管理研究,因为它对政治、宣传和多尺度社会运动具有重要意义。该框架通过对四个案例的粗略分析来说明:秘鲁的灌溉协会;西班牙的“新水文化”运动;北非绿洲的集体灌溉;以及结构松散的柬埔寨灌溉用水用户网络。