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Lithium: a slow burner.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry ( IF 11.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-01 , DOI: 10.1136/jnnp-2019-322382
Andrew J Lees 1

![][1] In 1949, Cade reported that lithium could quieten patients with acute manic excitement without causing drowsiness. The rationale for his pilot trial stemmed from a series of experiments he had carried out single-handedly in a disused kitchen in a psychiatric hospital where he demonstrated that lithium salts reduced seizures and deaths in guinea pigs injected with toxic doses of urea. He had also noted that the animals became docile and immobile. Before proceeding to test lithium salts on patients, he then took lithium carbonate himself in increasing doses to evaluate its safety.1 Stimulated by Cade’s paper, Noack and Trautner then gave lithium salts to 100 psychiatric patients and confirmed its selective efficacy for the treatment of mania. They also demonstrated that the clinical measurement of serum lithium levels was feasible and might be a useful addition to careful clinical evaluation in detecting toxicity.2 Cade’s findings published in the Medical Journal of Australia had appeared at a time when reports of toxic reactions caused by excessive intake of a lithium-based salt substitute by cardiac patients were in the headlines in the USA. One or two other Australian psychiatrists also then confirmed lithium’s potential as a better treatment for mania than the current practice of repeated electroshock therapy and high-dose barbiturates but also drew attention to its risks. The dose required to see benefit was close to the toxic range and a fatality that occurred in one of Cade’s own patients led him to temporarily ban lithium’s use following his appointment as the new Medical Superintendent at the Royal Park Mental Hospital in Melbourne. The treatment of manic psychoses by the administration of lithium salts Authors: Schou M, Juel-Nielsen N, Stromgren E, and Voldby H Year published: 1954 Number of times cited: 617 Lithium therapy was teetering on the brink … [1]: /embed/graphic-1.gif



[] [1] 1949年,Cade报告说锂可以使躁狂症患者的急性发作安静下来,而不会引起睡意。他进行试点试验的理由是,他在精神病院的一个废弃厨房中单手进行了一系列实验,在那里他证明了锂盐可以减少注射有毒剂量尿素的豚鼠的癫痫发作和死亡。他还指出,这些动物变得温顺和不动。在开始对患者进行锂盐测试之前,他随后增加了剂量服用碳酸锂以评估其安全性。1在Cade的论文的刺激下,Noack和Trautner向100例精神病患者使用了锂盐,并确认了其对躁狂症治疗的选择性疗效。 。他们还证明了对血清锂水平进行临床测量是可行的,并且可能是对仔细的临床评估进行毒性检测的有用补充。2Cade在《澳大利亚医学杂志》上发表的发现出现在因过量摄入引起毒性反应的报告之时在美国,心脏病患者摄入锂基盐替代品已成为头条新闻。然后,另外一到两名澳大利亚精神科医生也证实,锂的潜力比目前的反复电击疗法和大剂量巴比妥类药物更好,可以更好地治疗躁狂症,但同时也提请注意锂的风险。看到益处所需的剂量接近毒性范围,并且在Cade自己的一名患者中发生致命性死亡后,他被任命为墨尔本皇家公园心理医院的新医疗总监后,暂时禁止使用锂。通过施用锂盐治疗躁狂性精神病作者:Schou M,Juel-Nielsen N,Stromgren E和Voldby H出版年代:1954被引用的次数:617锂疗法濒临摇摇欲坠……[1]:/ embed / graphic-1.gif