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EchoFace: Acoustic Sensor-Based Media Attack Detection for Face Authentication
IEEE Internet of Things Journal ( IF 10.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1109/jiot.2019.2959203
Huangxun Chen , Wei Wang , Jin Zhang , Qian Zhang

Face authentication systems have gained widespread popularity because of their user-friendly usage and increasing recognition accuracy. Unfortunately, the boom in mobile social networks has bought with it media-based facial forgery; a critical threat where an adversary forges or replays the victim’s photograph/video to fool the system. In this article, we propose EchoFace, an effective and robust liveness detection system to enhance face authentication in defending against media-based attacks, which works with today’s smartphones/smartwatches without any hardware modification. EchoFace uses active acoustic sensing to differentiate the uneven stereostructure of the face and the flat forged media. Our proposed scheme effectively extracts the desired reflection profiles from the target. Moreover, we propose effective similarity measurements of reflection profiles to distinguish live users from forged media, which works robustly under various environmental conditions. EchoFace only requires low cost and universally equipped acoustic sensors without human intervention for liveness detection, which can be easily deployed in a variety of application scenarios. We implement EchoFace on commercial smartphones, and experiment results show that EchoFace achieves an average detection accuracy higher than 96% and false alarm rate lower than 4% across various media attacks and different levels of background noise. This shows its great potential to enhance the security of widely deployed face authentication systems in real scenarios.


