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Strengths and Weaknesses of a Hybrid Post-disaster Management Approach: the Doce River (Brazil) Mine-Tailing Dam Burst
Environmental Management ( IF 2.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-15 , DOI: 10.1007/s00267-020-01279-4
Ana T Lima 1, 2 , Felipe A Bastos 3 , Fernando Jakes Teubner 4 , Renato R Neto 1 , Andrew Cooper 5, 6 , Gilberto F Barroso 1

Mine-tailing dam bursts occur frequently with attendant implications for the environment and human populations. Institutional preparedness for such events plays an important role in their lasting impact. This study analyzes the stakeholder engagement in the new governance framework created to recover the Doce River ecosystem following the 2015 disaster, where 34 million m 3 of tailings were released, killing 19 people and causing massive impacts on riverine life. Following the disaster, poorly conceived political and management decisions impeded and continue to impede the progress of ecosystem recovery. The post-event management structure shows a centralized and poorly diverse stakeholder pool. We conclude that poor governance structure, and weak law enforcement, are among the main reasons preventing the Doce River post-disaster watershed recovery. A watershed vulnerability analysis combining dam stability and socioeconomic data, concluded that low ratings of socioeconomic performance substantially increase basin vulnerability. We recommend that the watershed committee should be fully involved in the implementation of the program and take a central role so that the most vulnerable communities (including indigenous people) take ownership of ecosystem recovery.



尾矿坝溃坝频繁发生,对环境和人口造成影响。对此类事件的机构准备在其持久影响方面发挥着重要作用。本研究分析了利益相关者在 2015 年灾难后为恢复多切河生态系统而创建的新治理框架中的参与情况,灾难释放了 3400 万立方米的尾矿,造成 19 人死亡并对河流生活造成巨大影响。灾难发生后,考虑不周的政治和管理决策阻碍并将继续阻碍生态系统恢复的进程。事后管理结构显示了一个集中的、多元化的利益相关者群体。我们得出的结论是,治理结构不善和执法不力是阻止多切河灾后流域恢复的主要原因之一。一项结合大坝稳定性和社会经济数据的流域脆弱性分析得出的结论是,社会经济绩效的低评级大大增加了流域的脆弱性。我们建议流域委员会应全面参与该计划的实施并发挥核心作用,以便最脆弱的社区(包括土著人民)掌握生态系统恢复的所有权。