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Natural and anthropogenic sources of bromoform and dibromomethane in the oceanographic and biogeochemical regime of the subtropical North East Atlantic.
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-12 , DOI: 10.1039/c9em00599d
Melina Mehlmann 1 , Birgit Quack , Elliot Atlas , Helmke Hepach , Susann Tegtmeier

The organic bromine compounds bromoform (CHBr3) and dibromomethane (CH2Br2) influence tropospheric chemistry and stratospheric ozone depletion. Their atmospheric abundance is generally related to a common marine source, which is not well characterized. A cruise between the three Macaroenesian Archipelagos of Cape Verde, the Canaries and Madeira revealed that anthropogenic sources increased oceanic CHBr3 emissions significantly close to some islands, especially at the Canaries, while heterotrophic processes in the ocean increased the flux of CH2Br2 from the sea to the atmosphere in the Cape Verde region. As anthropogenic disinfection processes, which release CHBr3 in coastal areas increase, and as more CH2Br2 may be produced from increased heterotrophy in a warming, deoxygenated ocean, both sources could supply higher fractions of stratospheric bromine in the future, with yet unknown consequences for stratospheric ozone.



有机溴化合物溴仿(CHBr 3)和二溴甲烷(CH 2 Br 2)影响对流层化学和平流层臭氧消耗。它们的大气丰度通常与一个常见的海洋资源有关,但尚未很好地表征。佛得角,坎那利岛和马德拉的三个Macaroenesian列岛之间的巡航显示,人为来源增加海洋CHBr 3个到一些岛屿排放显著靠近,特别是在金丝雀,而在海洋中异养过程增加CH的通量22从通往佛得角地区的大气。作为人为消毒过程,会释放CHBr 3在沿海地区,由于在变暖的脱氧海洋中增加的非均质性可能产生更多的CH 2 Br 2,这两种来源将来都可能提供更高比例的平流层溴,但对平流层臭氧的影响尚未知。