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3D printed bioceramic for phage therapy against bone nosocomial infections
Biomaterials Advances ( IF 7.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.msec.2020.110840
Franck Bouchart , Olivier Vidal , Jean-Marie Lacroix , Corentin Spriet , Shaan Chamary , Annie Brutel , Jean-Christophe Hornez

This study provides a new therapeutic response to postoperative joint and bone infections. Alone or in combination with antibiotics, phage therapy has many advantages, including accurate targeting of pathogenic bacteria. In addition, a decrease in harmful side effects can improve the healing process. Integrating the bacteriophage directly into the graft product will improve the antibacterial spread over the site of the surgery. The phage cocktail-filled ceramics are an innovative device for localized and curative phage therapy (in prosthetic replacement surgery, for example) in bone and joint surgery. Calcium phosphate-based ceramics were synthesized and shaped by stereolithography (3D) before loading by a phage cocktail to lyse a heterospecific bacterial population. In addition, the device makes possible the protection of osteoblastic cells against Staphylococcus aureus infection during their colonization on the ceramic material and prevents the formation of biofilm on the surface of biomaterials.



