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Negotiation-based Human-Robot Collaboration via Augmented Reality
arXiv - CS - Multiagent Systems Pub Date : 2019-09-24 , DOI: arxiv-1909.11227
Kishan Chandan, Vidisha Kudalkar, Xiang Li, Shiqi Zhang

Effective human-robot collaboration (HRC) requires extensive communication among the human and robot teammates, because their actions can potentially produce conflicts, synergies, or both. We develop a novel augmented reality (AR) interface to bridge the communication gap between human and robot teammates. Building on our AR interface, we develop an AR-mediated, negotiation-based (ARN) framework for HRC. We have conducted experiments both in simulation and on real robots in an office environment, where multiple mobile robots work on delivery tasks. The robots could not complete the tasks on their own, but sometimes need help from their human teammate, rendering human-robot collaboration necessary. Results suggest that ARN significantly reduced the human-robot team's task completion time compared to a non-AR baseline approach.



有效的人机协作 (HRC) 需要人类和机器人队友之间进行广泛的沟通,因为他们的行为可能会产生冲突、协同作用或两者兼而有之。我们开发了一种新颖的增强现实 (AR) 界面来弥合人类和机器人队友之间的沟通差距。基于我们的 AR 界面,我们为 HRC 开发了一个以 AR 为中介的、基于协商 (ARN) 的框架。我们在办公室环境中进行了模拟和真实机器人的实验,其中多个移动机器人处理交付任务。机器人无法自行完成任务,但有时需要人类队友的帮助,因此需要人机协作。结果表明,与非 AR 基线方法相比,ARN 显着减少了人机团队的任务完成时间。