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Preparative scale mass spectrometry: A brief history of the calutron.
Journal of Mass Spectrometry ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-10 , DOI: 10.1002/jms.4509
Alfred L Yergey 1 , A Karl Yergey 2

Calutrons were developed in the laboratory of E. O. Lawrence at the University of California at Berkeley. They were a modification of the cyclotrons he had invented and used in his Noble Prize winning investigations of the atomic nucleus. At the time their construction was undertaken, calutrons represented the only certain means of preparing enriched uranium isotopes for the construction of a fission bomb. The effort was successful enough that every atom of the 42 kg of 235U used in the first uranium bomb had passed through at least one stage of calutron separation. At peak production, the first stage separators, α tanks, yielded an aggregate 258‐g/d 235U enriched to about 10 at. % from its natural abundance level of 0.72 at. %. The second stage separators, β tanks, used the 10 at. % material as feedstock and produced a total 204‐g/d 235U enriched to at least 80 at. %. The latter, weapons grade, material was used in fission bombs. Under typical operating conditions, each α tank operated at a uranium beam intensity at the collectors of approximately 20 mA and each β tank at a beam intensity of approximately 215 mA at the collectors. Bulk separation of isotopes for bomb production ceased in 1945. Since that time calutrons have been used to separate stable isotopes, but on a more limited scale than wartime weapons production. Stable isotope separations since 1960 have taken place using one modified beta tank. (J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 1997, 8, 943–953).



量热计是在加利福尼亚大学伯克利分校的EO Lawrence实验室开发的。它们是他发明的回旋加速器的改型,并用于他的诺贝尔奖获得者对原子核的研究中。在进行建造时,量热器是制备用于制造裂变炸弹的浓缩铀同位素的唯一某些方法。这项工作取得了足够的成功,以至于第一枚铀弹中使用的42千克235 U原子中的每一个原子都经过了至少一个分相器分离阶段。在生产高峰时,第一级分离器(α槽)的总产量为258-g / d 235U富集到大约10 at。从其自然丰度水平0.72 at。%。第二级分离器,β储罐,使用10 at。%的原料作为原料,产生的总204-g / d 235 U富集到至少80 at。%。后者是武器级的材料,用于裂变炸弹。在典型的工作条件下,每个α储能罐在收集器处的铀束强度约为20 mA,每个β储能罐在收集器处的束强度约为215 mA。1945年,开始批量生产用于生产炸弹的同位素分离法。从那时起,一直使用量速器来分离稳定的同位素,但规模远不及战时武器生产。自1960年以来,稳定的同位素分离已使用一个改进的beta储罐进行。(J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 1997,8,943–953)。