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Classification of minimally unsatisfiable 2-CNFs
arXiv - CS - Discrete Mathematics Pub Date : 2020-03-07 , DOI: arxiv-2003.03639
Hoda Abbasizanjani and Oliver Kullmann

We consider minimally unsatisfiable 2-CNFs (short 2-MUs). Characterisations of 2-MUs in the literature have been restricted to the nonsingular case (where every variable occurs positively and negatively at least twice), and those with a unit-clause. We provide the full classification of 2-MUs F. The main tool is the implication digraph, and we show that the implication digraph of F is a "weak double cycle" (WDC), a big cycle of small cycles (with possible overlaps). Combining logical and graph-theoretical methods, we prove that WDCs have at most one skew-symmetry, and thus we obtain that the isomorphisms between 2-MUs F, F' are exactly the isomorphisms between their implication digraphs. We obtain a variety of applications. For fixed deficiency k, the difference of the number of clauses of F and the number n of variables of F, the automorphism group of F is a subgroup of the Dihedral group with 4k elements. The isomorphism problem restricted to 2-MUs F is decidable in linear time for fixed k. The number of isomorphism types of 2-MUs for fixed k is Theta(n^(3k-1)). The smoothing (removal of linear vertices) of skew-symmetric WDCs corresponds exactly to the canonical normal form of F obtained by 1-singular DP-reduction, a restricted form of DP-reduction (or "variable elimination") only reducing variables of degree 2. The isomorphism types of these normal forms, i.e., the homeomorphism types of skew-symmetric WDCs, are in one-to-one correspondence with binary bracelets (or "turnover necklaces") of length k.


最小不满足 2-CNF 的分类

我们考虑最小不可满足的 2-CNF(短 2-MU)。文献中 2-MU 的特征仅限于非奇异情况(其中每个变量正负至少出现两次),以及具有单位子句的情况。我们提供了 2-MUs F 的完整分类。主要工具是蕴涵有向图,我们证明 F 的蕴涵有向图是一个“弱双圈”(WDC),一个小圈的大圈(可能有重叠) . 结合逻辑和图论方法,我们证明WDCs至多有一个偏斜对称性,从而我们得到2-MUs F, F'之间的同构正是它们蕴涵有向图之间的同构。我们获得了各种各样的应用程序。对于固定缺陷 k,F 的子句数与 F 的变量数 n 的差值,F 的自同构群是 Dihedral 群的一个子群,有 4k 个元素。对于固定 k,限制为 2-MUs F 的同构问题在线性时间内是可判定的。固定 k 的 2-MU 的同构类型的数量是 Theta(n^(3k-1))。倾斜对称 WDC 的平滑(去除线性顶点)与通过 1-奇异 DP 归约获得的 F 的规范范式完全对应,这是一种限制形式的 DP 归约(或“变量消除”),仅减少度变量2.这些范式的同构类型,即斜对称WDC的同胚类型,与长度为k的二元手镯(或“翻转项链”)一一对应。对于固定 k,限制为 2-MUs F 的同构问题在线性时间内是可判定的。固定 k 的 2-MU 的同构类型的数量是 Theta(n^(3k-1))。倾斜对称 WDC 的平滑(去除线性顶点)与通过 1-奇异 DP 归约获得的 F 的规范范式完全对应,这是一种限制形式的 DP 归约(或“变量消除”),仅减少度变量2.这些范式的同构类型,即斜对称WDC的同胚类型,与长度为k的二元手镯(或“翻转项链”)一一对应。对于固定 k,限制为 2-MUs F 的同构问题在线性时间内是可判定的。固定 k 的 2-MU 的同构类型的数量是 Theta(n^(3k-1))。倾斜对称 WDC 的平滑(去除线性顶点)与通过 1-奇异 DP 归约获得的 F 的规范范式完全对应,这是一种限制形式的 DP 归约(或“变量消除”),仅减少度变量2.这些范式的同构类型,即斜对称WDC的同胚类型,与长度为k的二元手镯(或“翻转项链”)一一对应。