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Conservation and prioritization of threatened plants in Indian Himalayan Region
Biodiversity and Conservation ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-10 , DOI: 10.1007/s10531-020-01959-x
Poonam Mehta , K. Chandra Sekar , Deepika Bhatt , Ashutosh Tewari , Kapil Bisht , Shashi Upadhyay , Vikram S. Negi , Bhawana Soragi

Assessing the impact of threats, identification, prioritization and predicting conservation pockets are vital for the conservation and management of threatened species. This study investigated the diversity and distribution through inventorization and analysis of International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) categorized threatened plants and their prioritization for conservation. A total of 456 threatened taxa belonging to 233 genera coming under 87 families were recorded as threatened under various threat categories of IUCN. Among lited taxa, 64 species were falls under higher risk of extinction categories of IUCN viz. Critically endangered, Endangered, and Vulnerable with 13, 28 and 23 species respectively. Maximum number of threatened plants was found (84 species) in family Fabaceae followed by Cyperaceae (65 species) and Poaceae (36 species). Richness of threatened plants was found maximum in the Sikkim (203) followed by Himachal Pradesh (190) and Jammu & Kashmir (189). Major causes of depletion of threatened taxa were anthropogenic activities such as habitat loss, overgrazing, deforestation, over-exploitation and unsustainable harvesting of medicinal plants. Therefore, conservation of all the inventorized 64 threatened plants is needful at its earliest. Thus the strategies for the conservation of threatened species must be directed towards those species facing highest risk of extinction, biologically distinct and ecologically valuable for the ecosystem as well having socio-economic significance. Considering this, prioritization of the threatened species was done following existing methodologies. Among the threatened taxa, Angelica glauca, Coptis teeta, Lilium polyphyllum, Nardostachys jatamansi, Aconitum heterophyllum and Gentiana kurroo etc. are ranked at apex, thus needs higher priority for conservation. The study further indicate that six species such as Angelica glauca, Coptis teeta, Gymnocladus assamicus, Illicium griffithii, Piper pedicellatum and Saussurea costus are endemic, having restricted distribution, however highly traded in the IHR. Thus, it is proposed that these species must be taken under special apprehension for conservation planning. Besides this for the conservation of higher risk of extinction species, grid mapping of targeted species was done for identifying specific distribution areas for effective conservation.



评估威胁的影响,确定,确定优先次序并预测保护区对于保护和管理受威胁物种至关重要。本研究通过对国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)分类的受威胁植物及其保护的优先级进行盘点和分析,调查了多样性和分布。IUCN的各种威胁类别中,共有属于233个属的233属的456种威胁物种被记录为受到威胁。在点燃的分类单元中,有64种属于IUCN灭绝类别的较高风险。极危,极危和易危,分别有13、28和23种。Fabaceae家族中发现的受威胁植物数量最多(84种),其次是莎草科(65种)和禾本科(36种)。在锡金(203)中发现威胁植物的丰富度最高,其次是喜马al尔邦(190)和查mu与克什米尔(189)。威胁受威胁的分类单元枯竭的主要原因是人为活动,例如栖息地丧失,过度放牧,森林砍伐,过度开发和药用植物的不可持续收割。因此,最早需要对所有发明的64种濒危植物进行保护。因此,保护​​濒危物种的战略必须针对那些面临最高灭绝风险,对生态系统具有生物学上的独特性和生态学价值并具有社会经济意义的物种。考虑到这一点,按照现有方法对受威胁物种进行优先级排序。在受威胁的生物群中, 当归木莲云南黄连百合polyphyllum匙叶甘松草乌heterophyllum龙胆kurroo等在先端的排名,因此需要更高的优先级保护。该研究进一步表明,六个品种如当归木莲,云南黄连肥皂荚属assamicus,八角griffithii荜pedicellatum云木香是地方病,分布有限,但在《国际卫生条例》中交易量很高。因此,建议必须对这些物种采取特殊的保护计划。除此之外,为了保护更高灭绝物种的风险,还对目标物种进行了网格测绘,以识别有效保护的特定分布区域。
