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Transport routes and potential source regions of the Middle Eastern dust over Ahvaz during 2005–2017
Atmospheric Research ( IF 4.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-09-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.atmosres.2020.104947
Hesam Salmabadi , Reza Khalidy , Mohsen Saeedi

Abstract Ahvaz is among the most polluted cities in the world in terms of particulate matter (PM) concentration. It is a prevailingly vulnerable city to the dust storms intrusion experiencing nearly 98 dusty days per year. The main aim of this study is to determine the transport pathways of dust particles reaching Ahvaz and investigate the dust sources that potentially contribute to dust loading over this city. To this end, temporal and spatial characteristics of Ahvaz dusty days, with a focus on associated air parcel trajectories are investigated in tandem with station observation, potential source contribution function (PSCF) and aerosol optical depth (AOD). Four main dust corridors were identified, based on the trajectory results; one northwesterly and two westerly routes, passing mainly over Tigris Euphrates Plain and Mesopotamian marshlands before hitting Ahvaz. These transport routes are associated with Shamal winds and are active all year long, especially in the summer. Another dust corridor influencing Ahvaz is a southerly route related to the prefrontal dust-storm mechanism. This corridor is active mainly in spring and winter and lifts the dust from Zubair Desert, Ad Dahna Desert and arid land of southern Khuzestan Plain. The forward calculation, PSCF and AOD analysis are consistent with backward air masses trajectory results and showed that eastern Syria, central and southeastern Iraq, and northwest of Ahvaz are the primary sources for dust affecting Ahvaz. Other intense dust sources are located in the south of Ahvaz including the eastern coastal zone of the Arabian Peninsula, southern Iraq, and southeast of Ahvaz.


2005-2017 年阿瓦士上空中东粉尘的运输路线和潜在源区

摘要 就颗粒物 (PM) 浓度而言,阿瓦士是世界上污染最严重的城市之一。它是一个普遍易受沙尘暴入侵的城市,每年有近 98 天的尘土飞扬。本研究的主要目的是确定到达阿瓦士的灰尘颗粒的传输路径,并调查可能导致该城市灰尘负载的灰尘源。为此,结合台站观测、潜在源贡献函数 (PSCF) 和气溶胶光学深度 (AOD),研究了阿瓦士多尘天的时空特征,重点是相关的气团轨迹。根据轨迹结果确定了四个主要的沙尘走廊;一条西北线和两条西风路线,在击中阿瓦士之前主要经过底格里斯河幼发拉底河平原和美索不达米亚沼泽地。这些运输路线与 Shamal 风有关,全年都很活跃,尤其是在夏季。另一个影响阿瓦士的沙尘走廊是一条与前额叶沙尘暴机制有关的南风路线。这条走廊主要在春季和冬季活动,可以带走祖拜尔沙漠、Ad Dahna 沙漠和胡齐斯坦平原南部干旱地区的灰尘。正向计算、PSCF 和 AOD 分析与反向气团轨迹结果一致,表明叙利亚东部、伊拉克中部和东南部以及阿瓦士的西北部是影响阿瓦士的主要尘埃来源。其他强沙尘源位于阿瓦士南部,包括阿拉伯半岛东部沿海地区、伊拉克南部、