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Asymptotic stability in a fully parabolic quasilinear chemotaxis model with general logistic source and signal production
Journal of Differential Equations ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-26 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jde.2019.11.052
Mengyao Ding , Wei Wang , Shulin Zhou , Sining Zheng

In this paper we study the asymptotic behaviors of global solutions to the fully parabolic chemotaxis system: ut=(D(u)uS(u)v)+ruμu1+σ, vt=Δvv+uγ, subject to the homogeneous Neumann boundary conditions in a bounded and smooth domain ΩRn (n2), where parameters μ,σ,γ>0, rR, and the nonlinearity D,SC2([0,)) are supposed to generalize the prototypesD(u)a0(u+1)α,0S(u)b0u(u+1)β1 with a0,b0>0 and α,βR. We first consider the case of r>0 and provide a boundedness result under α+β+γ<2n, or β+γ<1+σ, or β+γ=1+σ with large μ>0. The main result is concerned with the asymptotic stability when damping effects of logistic source are strong enough. Specifically, there is μ0>0 independent of initial data, such that the bounded classical solution (u,v) satisfies (u,v)((rμ)1σ,(rμ)γσ) in L(Ω) exponentially under conditions of μ>μ0 and r>0. For the case of r<0, the trivial constant equilibria in the model is obtained in a priori way, that is, any bounded solution (u,v) satisfies (u,v)(0,0) in L(Ω) exponentially, regardless of the size of μ>0.



在本文中,我们研究了完全抛物趋化系统的整体解的渐近行为: üŤ=düü-小号üv+[Rü-μü1个+σvŤ=Δv-v+üγ,且服从有界和光滑域中的齐次Neumann边界条件 Ω[Rññ2),其中参数 μσγ>0[R[R,以及非线性 d小号C2[0 应该概括原型dü一种0ü+1个-α0小号üb0üü+1个β-1个一种0b0>0αβ[R。我们首先考虑[R>0 并在下提供有界结果 α+β+γ<2ñ, 要么 β+γ<1个+σ, 要么 β+γ=1个+σμ>0。当逻辑源的阻尼效应足够强时,主要结果与渐近稳定性有关。具体来说,有μ0>0 与初始数据无关,因此有界经典解 üv 满足 üv[Rμ1个σ[Rμγσ大号Ω 在以下条件下呈指数增长 μ>μ0[R>0。对于[R<0,模型中的平凡常数均衡是通过先验获得的,即任何有界解üv 满足 üv00大号Ω 指数大小,无论大小 μ>0
