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The arrival of a red invasive seaweed to a nutrient over-enriched estuary increases the spatial extent of macroalgal blooms.
Marine Environmental Research ( IF 3.0 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-09 , DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2020.104944
Ricardo Bermejo 1 , Michéal MacMonagail 1 , Svenja Heesch 2 , Ana Mendes 1 , Maeve Edwards 3 , Owen Fenton 4 , Kay Knöller 5 , Eve Daly 1 , Liam Morrison 1

The red seaweed Agarophyton vermiculophyllum is an invasive species native to the north-west Pacific, which has proliferated in temperate estuaries of Europe, North America and Africa. Combining molecular identification tools, historical satellite imagery and one-year seasonal monitoring of biomass and environmental conditions, the presence of A. vermiculophyllum was confirmed, and the invasion was assessed and reconstructed. The analysis of satellite imagery identified the first bloom in 2014 and revealed that A. vermiculophyllum is capable of thriving in areas, where native bloom-forming species cannot, increasing the size of blooms (ca. 10%). The high biomass found during the peak bloom (>2 kg m−2) and the observation of anoxic events indicated deleterious effects. The monitoring of environmental conditions and biomass variability suggests an essential role of light, temperature and phosphorous in bloom development. The introduction of this species could be considered a threat for local biodiversity and ecosystem functioning in a global change context.



红海藻Agarophyton vermiculophyllum是西北太平洋的一种外来入侵物种,已在欧洲,北美和非洲的温带河口繁殖。结合分子识别工具,历史卫星图像和一年生物量和环境状况的季节性监测,证实了ver曲菌的存在,并对入侵进行了评估和重建。对卫星图像的分析确定了2014年的第一朵花,并显示ver草能够在原花形成物种无法实现的地区繁盛,从而增加了花的大小(约10%)。高峰开花期间发现的高生物量(> 2 kg m -2),并观察到缺氧事件表明有害作用。对环境条件和生物量可变性的监测表明,光,温度和磷在水华发育中起着至关重要的作用。在全球变化的背景下,引入该物种可被视为对当地生物多样性和生态系统功能的威胁。
