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Exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke in waterpipe cafés in Barcelona, Spain: An assessment of airborne nicotine and PM2.5.
Environmental Research ( IF 7.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envres.2020.109347
Ariadna Feliu 1 , Marcela Fu 1 , Marta Russo 2 , Cristina Martinez 3 , Xisca Sureda 4 , Maria José López 5 , Núria Cortés 6 , Esteve Fernández 1


Waterpipe tobacco smoking has grown in popularity worldwide, with the prevalence of use increasing in Spain from 6.2% to 10.8% in the last decade, despite the smoking ban enacted in 2010 for all hospitality premises.


s To assess exposure to second-hand smoke from waterpipes based on the concentrations of airborne nicotine and particulate matter ≤2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5) in a sample of waterpipe cafés in the city of Barcelona (Spain).


This cross-sectional study included a sample of 20 waterpipe cafés. Airborne nicotine and PM2.5 were sampled for 30 min in each venue using a nicotine sampling device connected by tube to a pump and TSI SidePak Personal Aerosol Monitor. Five outdoor control locations were also measured. We computed medians, interquartile ranges (IQRs), and maximum values and compared them according to venues’ and sampling characteristics using the Kruskall-Wallis and U-Mann Whitney tests. Nicotine and PM2.5 were correlated by calculating the Spearman-rank correlation coefficient.


The median concentration of nicotine and PM2.5 were 1.15 and 230.50 μg/m3 in waterpipe cafés and 0.03 and 10.00 μg/m3 in control locations (p < 0.05 in both cases). The Spearman correlation coefficient between both markers was 0.61 (95% confidence interval: 0.18–0.84). No differences were found in nicotine or PM2.5 concentrations according to the venues’ and sampling characteristics studied, with the exception of area. After stratifying for area, venues >100 m2, located in a tourist area, with >15 lit waterpipes, >8 waterpipes/100 m2, and a ratio of 2 users per waterpipe or less had significantly higher nicotine concentrations.


Despite the current smoking ban, which includes hospitality venues, we found nicotine and PM2.5 levels in Barcelona waterpipe cafés that exceeded the threshold recommended by the World Health Organization. This exposure poses serious risks to the health of both workers and customers; and constitutes a non-compliance of the legislation.






■根据巴塞罗那市(西班牙)的水烟咖啡厅样本中空气中尼古丁和直径≤2.5μm (PM 2.5)的微粒物质的浓度,评估水烟对二手烟的暴露程度。


这项横断面研究包括20个水烟咖啡厅的样本。在每个场所,使用通过管道连接到泵的尼古丁采样装置和TSI SidePak个人气溶胶监测器对空气中的尼古丁和PM 2.5采样30分钟。还测量了五个室外控制位置。我们计算了中位数,四分位数间距(IQR)和最大值,并使用Kruskall-Wallis和U-Mann Whitney检验根据场所和采样特征对它们进行了比较。通过计算Spearman-rank相关系数使尼古丁和PM 2.5相关。


尼古丁和PM的位数浓度2.5分别为1.15和230.50微克/米3在水管咖啡馆和0.03和10.00微克/米3在控制位置(P <0.05在这两种情况下)。两个标记之间的Spearman相关系数为0.61(95%置信区间:0.18–0.84)。根据研究地点和采样特征,除面积外,尼古丁或PM 2.5浓度均无差异。在对区域进行分层之后,位于旅游区的场所> 100 m 2,点燃的水烟管> 15个,水烟筒> 8 m / 100个m 2,每条水管2个用户或更少的用户的尼古丁浓度明显更高。


尽管当前包括接待场所在内都禁止吸烟,但我们发现巴塞罗那水烟咖啡厅的尼古丁和PM 2.5含量超过了世界卫生组织建议的阈值。这种接触给工人和顾客的健康带来严重的风险;并构成违反法律的行为。
