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Human seroprevalence of antibodies to tick-borne microbes in southern Norway.
Ticks and Tick-Borne Diseases ( IF 3.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-08 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ttbdis.2020.101410
Erik Thomas Thortveit 1 , Audun Aase 2 , Lizette Balle Petersen 2 , Åslaug Rudjord Lorentzen 3 , Åse Mygland 4 , Unn Ljøstad 5

The tick Ixodes ricinus is widespread along the coastline of southern Norway, but data on human exposure to tick-borne microbes are scarce. We aimed to assess the seroprevalence of IgG antibodies to various tick-borne microbes in the general adult population living in a Norwegian municipality where ticks are abundant. Søgne is a coastline municipality in the southernmost part of Norway, and has a high density of ticks. All individuals aged 18-69 years with residential address in Søgne municipality (n = 7424) were invited to give a blood sample and answer a questionnaire. Blood samples from 3568 individuals were available for analysis. All samples were analyzed for IgG antibodies to Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato (Bbsl), and around 1500 samples for IgG antibodies to other tick-borne microbes. Serum IgG antibodies to Bbsl were present in 22.0% (785/3568) of the tested samples, tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) in 3.1% (45/1453), Anaplasma phagocytophilum in 11.0% (159/1452), Babesia microti in 2.1% (33/1537), Bartonella henselae/B. quintana in 0.1% (2/1451) and Rickettsia helvetica/R. conorii in 4.2% (60/1445). Serum IgG antibodies to A. phagocytophilum and R. helvetica/R. conorii were significantly more prevalent (p = 0.010 and p = 0.016, respectively) among individuals with serum IgG antibodies to Bbsl than among individuals without. In conclusion, our study showed a high exposure to Bbsl in the general adult population living in a coastline municipality in the southernmost part of Norway. The population is also exposed to A. phagocytophilum, R. helvetica/R. conorii, B. microti and TBEV, but very rarely B. henselae/B. quintana.



硬蜱蜱是沿着挪威南部的海岸线普遍,但对人体暴露数据,蜱传微生物稀少。我们的目的是评估生活在壁虱丰富的挪威自治市的成年人群中,IgG抗体对各种壁虱传播微生物的血清阳性率。索涅(Søgne)是挪威最南端的海岸线直辖市,s虫密度很高。邀请所有在Søgne市居住的年龄在18-69岁之间的居民(n = 7424)提供血液样本并回答问卷。来自3568人的血样可用于分析。分析所有样品的抗伯氏疏螺旋体Bb)的IgG抗体sl),以及大约1500个样本,以获取针对其他tick传微生物的IgG抗体。血清IgG抗体了Bb SL在3.1%(1453分之45),存在于试验样品,蜱传脑炎病毒(TBEV)的22.0%(3568分之785)无形体吞噬细胞中11.0%(1452分之159),巴贝虫田鼠在2.1%(1537分之33),汉赛巴尔通体/ B。通体在0.1%(1451分之2)和立克次体黑体/ R。占4.2%(60/1445)。抗吞噬链球菌Helvetica / R。的血清IgG抗体血清抗Bb抗体的个体中conorii的患病率明显更高(分别为p = 0.010和p = 0.016)sl比没有个人的人要多。总之,我们的研究表明,生活在挪威最南端的海岸线市镇的普通成年人中Bb sl的暴露量很高。人群也暴露于嗜盐曲霉Helvetica / R。conoriiB. microti和TBEV,但很少有B. henselae / B。通体
