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Immobilization of bacterial cells on carbon-cloth anode using alginate for hydrogen generation in a microbial electrolysis cell
Journal of Power Sources ( IF 8.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-06 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jpowsour.2020.227986
Bharath Gandu , Shmuel Rozenfeld , Lea Ouaknin Hirsch , Alex Schechter , Rivka Cahan

In a microbial electrolysis cell (MEC) that operates in wastewater (WW), the anode can be contaminated by non-exoelectrogenic bacteria, leading to a decrease in the hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) rate.

In this study, the electrochemical activity and chemical oxygen demand (COD) removal by an MEC based on Geobacter sulfurreducens (1 OD), which is encapsulated on the anode using alginate and chitosan or only alginate (AC-1 and A-1 bacterial anode, respectively), are compared with a non-immobilized anode. When acetate is used as the carbon source, the current density of the MEC based on the non-immobilized anode is 10.95 A m−2, 15% higher compared to the immobilized bacterial anodes. When WW is used, the AC-1 bacterial anode yields the highest current density: 11.52 A m−2 at a potential of 0.2 V, 11% and 29% higher than the A-1 and the non-immobilized anodes, respectively. The AC-1 anode leads to a HER rate of 0.56 m3m−3d−1 (at 0.5 V), COD removal of 75%, and a composition of 92% G. sulfurreducens. SEM analysis shows a biofilm covered with a layer of (presumed) alginate. To our knowledge, this is the first study demonstrating an MEC based on an immobilized bacterial anode using alginate.




在这项研究中,通过基于Geobacter sulfreducens(1 OD)的MEC去除了电化学活性和化学需氧量(COD),它使用藻酸盐和壳聚糖或仅使用藻酸盐(AC-1和A-1细菌阳极)封装在阳极上,分别与未固定的阳极进行比较。当乙酸盐用作碳源时,基于非固定阳极的MEC的电流密度为10.95 A m -2,比固定细菌阳极高15%。当使用WW时,AC-1细菌阳极 在0.2 V的电势下产生最高的电流密度:11.52 A m -2,分别比A-1和未固定的阳极高11%和29%。AC-1阳极导致HER率为0.56 m 3 m -3d -1(在0.5 V时),COD去除率达75%,组成的G.thioreducens含量为92%。SEM分析显示生物膜覆盖着(假定的)藻酸盐层。据我们所知,这是第一个证明基于藻酸盐固定化细菌阳极的MEC的研究。
