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Tick-Borne Relapsing Fever Caused by Borrelia persica in Traveler to Central Asia, 2019
Emerging Infectious Diseases ( IF 11.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-05 , DOI: 10.3201/eid2604.191771
Veronika Muigg, Helena M.B. Seth-Smith, Daniel Goldenberger, Adrian Egli, Beatrice Nickel, Roland Dürig, Esther Kuenzli, Vladimira Hinic, Andreas Neumayr

We report a case of tick-borne relapsing fever caused by Borrelia persica in a traveler returning to Switzerland from central Asia. After the disease was diagnosed by blood smear microscopy, the causative Borrelia species was confirmed by shotgun metagenomics sequencing. PCR and sequencing techniques provide highly sensitive diagnostic tools superior to microscopy.



我们报告了一例由波斯菊(Borrelia persica)引起的tick传传播热病例,该旅行者从中亚返回瑞士。在通过血液涂片显微镜诊断出疾病后,通过shot弹枪宏基因组测序确认了致病性疏螺旋体物种。PCR和测序技术提供了优于显微镜的高度灵敏的诊断工具。
