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International river basin organizations, science, and hydrodiplomacy
Environmental Science & Policy ( IF 6 ) Pub Date : 2020-05-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.02.023
Anita Milman , Andrea K. Gerlak

Abstract As key venues for interaction and cooperation, international river basin organizations (IRBOs) are significant contributors to hydrodiplomacy in transboundary river basins. As part of their efforts to support hydrodiplomacy, IRBOs engage in the production and use of science. The manner in which that science is produced, and how it contributes to hydrodiplomacy, is not well understood. This paper examines the production and use of science by three IRBOs: the (US – Canada) International Joint Commission, the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube River, and the Mekong River Commission. We find the science produced by the IRBOs to support hydrodiplomacy extends beyond measuring and monitoring to include more advanced and analytical forms of science. In producing science, we observe that the IRBOs balance considerations of capacity, ownership, and how the politics of the basin will influence the production and use of the science. Given the challenge of balancing across these considerations, future research is needed to determine what mechanisms and processes for producing science can best facilitate its use in hydrodiplomacy.



摘要 作为互动与合作的重要场所,国际流域组织(IRBO)是跨界流域水文外交的重要贡献者。作为支持水文外交努力的一部分,IRBO 参与科学的生产和使用。该科学的产生方式及其对水外交的贡献尚不清楚。本文考察了三个 IRBO 对科学的产生和使用:(美国-加拿大)国际联合委员会、国际保护多瑙河委员会和湄公河委员会。我们发现 IRBO 产生的支持水外交的科学超出了测量和监测范围,包括更先进的分析形式的科学。在生产科学方面,我们观察到 IRBO 平衡了容量、所有权以及流域政治将如何影响科学的生产和使用的考虑。鉴于平衡这些考虑的挑战,未来的研究需要确定哪些产生科学的机制和过程最能促进其在水文外交中的应用。