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Aquaculture of green sea urchin in the Barents Sea: a brief review of Russian studies
Reviews in Aquaculture ( IF 8.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-05 , DOI: 10.1111/raq.12423
Alexander G. Dvoretsky 1 , Vladimir G. Dvoretsky 1

Gonads of the green sea urchin (Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis) containing valuable carotenoids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, phospholipids and sulphated fucans are in great demand from the expanding market. In Russian waters of the Barents Sea, only a few sites are suitable for commercial harvesting and thus the development of green sea urchin farming in this region. Our review presents a short survey of Russian literature on biological aspects and rearing methods of green sea urchins in the Barents Sea. In the 1980s, spawning induction and larval culture experiments were undertaken to obtain larvae of S. droebachiensis. Later studies were undertaken to test optimal rations and conditions for gonad enhancement of adult sea urchins in sea cages and closed systems. Gonadal growth was higher and faster in sea urchins reared under controlled conditions in closed water circulation tanks compared with sea cages. Regular feeding of cultured animals provided them better gonadal growth than in wild sea urchins irrespective of food items. Algal diets showed a lower level of gonad yield compared with mixed diets (algae + squid, algae + fish), fish diets and prepared diets (artificial feed based on fish skin). The coast of the Kola Peninsula has a good potential for the development of the green sea urchin farming but several financial, socio‐economic, logistic and management problems must be solved before this process starts.



不断增长的市场对含有有价值的类胡萝卜素,多不饱和脂肪酸,磷脂和硫酸化的岩藻糖的绿海胆(Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis)的性腺需求很大。在巴伦支海的俄罗斯水域中,只有少数几个地点适合进行商业性捕捞,因此适合在该地区发展绿海胆养殖。我们的评论对俄罗斯文学进行了简短的调查,内容涉及巴伦支海中绿海胆的生物学方面和饲养方法。在1980年代,进行了产卵诱导和幼虫培养实验,以获取德氏链球菌的幼虫。后来进行了研究,以测试用于优化网箱和封闭系统中成年海胆性腺的最佳配给量和条件。与封闭式水箱相比,在受控条件下在封闭水循环罐中饲养的海胆中性腺的生长更高,更快。与野生海胆相比,无论食用何种食物,定期喂养养殖动物都可以使它们的性腺生长更好。与混合饮食(藻类+鱿鱼,藻类+鱼类),鱼类饮食和预制饮食(基于鱼皮的人工饲料)相比,藻类饮食显示出较低的性腺产量。科拉半岛的沿海地区有发展绿海胆养殖的良好潜力,但在此过程开始之前必须解决一些财务,社会经济,物流和管理问题。