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Antibiotic resistance, genome analysis and further safe traits of Clostridium perfringens ICVB082; a strain capable of producing an inhibitory compound directed only against a closely related pathogenic strain.
Anaerobe ( IF 2.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-15 , DOI: 10.1016/j.anaerobe.2020.102177
Nuria Vieco-Saiz 1 , Yanath Belguesmia 1 , Anne Vachée 2 , Caroline Le Maréchal 3 , Gilles Salvat 3 , Djamel Drider 1

Eleven strains of clostridia were isolated from chickens suffering from necrotic enteritis (NE) disease, and were identified by 16S rDNA sequencing as C. perfringens (Clin1, ICVB079, ICVB080, ICVB081, ICVB082, ICVB083, ICVB085, ICVB088, ICVB089, ICVB090), C. sporogenes (ICVB086) and C. cadaveris (ICVB087). These novel strains were then characterized for their pathoproperties including their sensitivity to different antibiotics, hemolytic activities and abilities to carry netB gene, which encodes the necrotic enteritis B-Like toxin (NetB); a key virulence factor involved in the NE. Whilst, no antibiotic resistance was detected for all these strains, C. perfringens ICVB081 and C. perfringens Clin1 have β-hemolytic activities and carry DNA coding for the netB gene. Remarkably, cross-resistant assays performed between these Clostridium strains underpinned the capability of C. perfringens ICVB082 to inhibit the pathogenic C. perfringens DSM756, used as reference strain. This inhibition was exerted through production of an extracellular compound, which was sensitive to heat treatment, lipase and active at pH values ranging from 4 to 7. This report deals with the isolation of novel Clostridium strains from chicken origin and underlines the safety and inhibitory capability of C. perfringens ICVB082 through an extracellular metabolite.



从患有坏死性肠炎(NE)疾病的鸡中分离出11株梭状芽胞杆菌,并通过16S rDNA测序鉴定为产气荚膜梭菌(Clin1,ICVB079,ICVB080,ICVB081,ICVB082,ICVB083,ICVB085,ICVB088,ICVB089,ICVB090),产孢梭菌(ICVB086)和尸体梭菌(ICVB087)。然后,对这些新菌株进行病理学鉴定,包括对不同抗生素的敏感性,溶血活性和携带编码坏死性肠炎B型毒素(NetB)的netB基因的能力。NE中的关键毒力因子。同时,未检测到所有产气荚膜梭菌ICVB081和产气荚膜梭菌的菌株的抗生素抗性Clin1具有β溶血活性,并带有编码netB基因的DNA。值得注意的是,在这些梭状芽孢杆菌菌株之间进行的交叉抗性测定加强了产气荚膜梭菌ICVB082抑制用作参考菌株的致病性产气荚膜梭菌DSM756的能力。这种抑制作用是通过产生一种对热处理,脂肪酶敏感且在pH值为4至7的活性的细胞外化合物产生的。该报告涉及从鸡源中分离出新的梭状芽胞杆菌菌株,并强调了安全性和抑制能力的产气荚膜梭菌通过细胞外代谢物ICVB082。
