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The Homunculus and the Paracelsian Liber de imaginibus
Ambix ( IF 0.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-02 , DOI: 10.1080/00026980.2020.1720359
Amadeo Murase 1

As William R. Newman has already shown, the alchemical homunculus described in the pseudo-Paracelsian writing De natura rerum was not the only kind of “homunculus” present in the works of (or attributed to) Paracelsus. Two other important kinds of “homunculi” indeed appeared in other treatises: one in De homunculis et monstris and the other in both Vom langen Leben and the Liber de imaginibus. This article focuses on the latter tract and its relationships with De natura rerum. After discussing the authenticity of the Liber de imaginibus, I will provide a brief analysis of its content and discuss the major topics common to the two treatises: the “signatures of things” and the homunculus. By studying the reception of the latter, I will show how the alchemical conception of the homunculus, as explained in De natura rerum, quickly established itself as the most prominent notion despite the fact that the golem-like version of Vom langen Leben and De imaginibus had nearly as much success at first among Paracelsians.


Homunculus 和 Paracelsian Liber de imaginibus

正如威廉·R·纽曼 (William R. Newman) 已经表明的那样,伪帕拉塞尔斯著作 De natura rerum 中描述的炼金术 homunculus 并不是出现在(或归因于)帕拉塞尔苏斯作品中的唯一一种“人造人”。其他两种重要的“homunculi”确实出现在其他论文中:一种在 De homunculis et monstris 中,另一种在 Vom langen Leben 和 Liber de imaginibus 中。本文重点介绍后者及其与 De natura rerum 的关系。在讨论了《想象的自由》的真实性后,我将对其内容进行简要分析,并讨论两篇论文共同的主要话题:“事物的签名”和人造人。通过研究后者的接受,我将展示 homunculus 的炼金术概念,如 De natura rerum 中所解释的,