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Behavioural, electrocorticographic, and electromyographic alterations induced by Nerium oleander ethanolic extract: Anticonvulsant therapeutics assessment.
NeuroToxicology ( IF 3.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-05 , DOI: 10.1016/j.neuro.2020.02.001
Bruna Silva de Melo 1 , Brenda Pinto de Morais 1 , Vaniza Sheila de Souza Ferreira Sá 1 , Filipe Dantas Lourinho 1 , Ingrid Perpétuo Socorro Pinheiro Toda 1 , José Luíz Martins do Nascimento 2 , Dienifer Negrão Marques 1 , Márcia Cristina Freitas da Silva 1 , Giuliana Thaissa Modesto Cardoso 1 , Luis André Luz Barbas 3 , Marcelo Ferreira Torres 3 , Nilton Akio Muto 4 , Vanessa Joia de Mello 1 , Moisés Hamoy 1

Nerium oleander Linn. is an Apocynaceae shrub which is among the most toxic ornamental plants. Although seizures are one of the symptoms associated with N. Oleander poisoning in humans, only a few studies are available on the behavioural and electrophysiological alterations caused by this plant poisoning. This study aimed at providing a thorough description of the electroencephalographic (EEG) and electromyographic (EMG) profiles throughout the experimental poisoning of Wistar rats (200-250 g) using ethanolic extract of N. oleander (EENO). Further, seizure control was assessed using different anticonvulsants. Male Wistar rat's behaviour was assessed upon EENO (150 mg/kg) administration and the animals were evaluated for muscle and neural activities through EMG and EEG recordings, respectively. The behavioural test showed two distinct phases of CNS activity: Phase I - myorelaxation and depression, and Phase II - excitability (agitated behaviour and seizures). Such phases were consistent with the EEG and EMG tracing patterns attained. Within the first 400 s of the recordings, during Phase I, the EMG showed no tracing amplitude variation. Later, the tracing pattern was changed and an intensification of the muscle contraction power in higher frequencies was observed during Phase II. The EEG showed initially a slight flattening in the tracings with a reduction in the intensity of the signal as per spectrogram of frequency attained. Thereafter, during Phase II, much higher amplitude tracings could be noted with an intensification of the signal, compatible with seizures. Seizure control was evaluated using four agents: phenytoin, phenobarbital, diazepam and scopolamine (at 10 mg/kg in all cases). While scopolamine was not effective in the seizure control, diazepam was the most efficient drug for the attenuation of the poisoning. Our results indicate the possibility of including phenytoin, phenobarbital and diazepam, mainly the latter, in the poisoning therapeutic protocol, including for those individuals who could be more susceptible to the poisoning by Nerium oleander as in the case of epileptic patients.



夹竹桃夹竹桃。是夹竹桃科灌木,是毒性最高的观赏植物之一。尽管癫痫发作是与人类夹竹桃中毒有关的症状之一,但是关于这种植物中毒引起的行为和电生理变化的研究很少。这项研究旨在提供对使用夹竹桃乙醇(EENO)乙醇提取物对Wistar大鼠(200-250 g)进行实验性中毒的整个过程中的脑电图(EEG)和肌电图(EMG)的详尽描述。此外,使用不同的抗惊厥药评估癫痫发作的控制。雄性Wistar大鼠的行为通过EENO(150 mg / kg)进行评估,并分别通过EMG和EEG记录评估动物的肌肉和神经活动。行为测试显示CNS活动有两个不同的阶段:I期-肌肉松弛和抑郁,II期-兴奋性(躁动和癫痫发作)。这些阶段与获得的EEG和EMG追踪模式一致。在记录的前400 s内,在阶段I期间,EMG没有显示出跟踪幅度变化。后来,改变了追踪方式,并在第二阶段观察到了较高频率的肌肉收缩能力的增强。根据获得的频谱图,EEG最初在描迹中略微变平,信号强度降低。此后,在第二阶段期间,随着信号的增强,与癫痫发作相适应,可以看到更高的幅度描记。使用四种药物评估癫痫发作的控制:苯妥英钠,苯巴比妥,地西epa和东pol碱(所有情况下均为10 mg / kg)。虽然东pol碱在癫痫发作控制中无效,但地西epa是减轻中毒的最有效药物。我们的结果表明,在中毒治疗方案中可能包括苯妥英钠,苯巴比妥和地西mainly,主要是后者,包括那些对于癫痫患者更容易受到夹竹桃中毒的个体。