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A new livebearing fish of the genus Limia (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) from Lake Miragoane, Haiti.
Journal of Fish Biology ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-18 , DOI: 10.1111/jfb.14301
Rodet Rodriguez-Silva 1 , Pablo F Weaver 2

Limia islai, new species of livebearing fish, is described from Lake Miragoane in southwestern Haiti on Hispaniola. The new species herein described has a conspicuous barred pattern consistent in several (4 to 12) black bars along the body, ray 4p serrae of the gonopodium in males with 10 segments and origin of dorsal fin in females slightly behind of origin of anal fin. Although the new species color pattern is similar to the Humpbacked Limia Limia nigrofasciata Regan 1913, L. islai sp. nov. has exclusive morphological features, such as slender body, lack of hump anterior to dorsal fin in males and presence of specific features in the gonopodial suspensory, which allow an unambiguous diagnosis from L. nigrofasciata. Limia islai further differs from L. nigrofasciata in reproductive behavior since L. islai males rely on sneak copulations and gonopodial thrusting, whereas L. nigrofasciata display an elaborate courtship behavior. The new species is also genetically distinct in both nuclear (Rh, Myh6) and mitochondrial (12S, ND2, D-loop, Cytb) genes from other species in the genus showing reciprocal monophyly. The description of this new Limia species from Lake Miragoane confirms this lake as an important center of endemism for the genus with a total of eight endemic species described so far. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.



Limia islai 是一种新的活鱼物种,来自海地西南部的伊斯帕尼奥拉岛的米拉戈内湖。本文描述的新物种具有明显的条纹图案,沿着身体有几个(4 到 12 个)黑色条带,雄性生殖器的 4p 锯齿有 10 个节段,雌性背鳍起点稍稍落后于臀鳍起点。虽然新物种的颜色图案类似于 Humpbacked Limia Limia nigrofasciata Regan 1913,但 L. islai sp. 十一月 具有独特的形态特征,例如细长的身体,雄性在背鳍前没有驼峰,在生殖器悬垂中存在特定特征,这使得可以明确诊断 L. nigrofasciata。Limia islai 在繁殖行为上与 L. nigrofasciata 进一步不同,因为 L. islai 雄性依靠偷偷交配和生殖器突刺,而 L. nigrofasciata 则表现出复杂的求爱行为。新物种在核 (Rh, Myh6) 和线粒体 (12S, ND2, D-loop, Cytb) 基因上也与该属中其他物种的基因不同,显示相互单系。对来自 Miragoane 湖的这种新 Limia 物种的描述证实了该湖是该属的重要特有物种,迄今为止共描述了 8 种特有物种。本文受版权保护。版权所有。对来自 Miragoane 湖的这种新 Limia 物种的描述证实了该湖是该属的重要特有物种,迄今为止共描述了 8 种特有物种。本文受版权保护。版权所有。对来自 Miragoane 湖的这种新 Limia 物种的描述证实了该湖是该属的重要特有物种,迄今为止共描述了 8 种特有物种。本文受版权保护。版权所有。