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The analysis of commercially available natural products recommended for use in electronic cigarettes.
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2020-04-02 , DOI: 10.1002/rcm.8771
Michelle R Peace 1 , Mika E Smith 1 , Justin L Poklis 2

RATIONALE Natural plant products have been used to promote health, prevent sickness, and treat various ailments. These products often consist of leaves, flowers, bark, roots, seeds, and/or other parts of the plant. Many of the pharmacologically active constituents of these products are known, but the pharmacology of these constituents may not be fully elucidated. Natural plant-based products are also available in various forms other than the raw plant material. A wide array of commercial products such as capsules, powders, extracts, and electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) electronic liquids (e-liquids) are readily available and can be purchased from various outlets, both store-based retailers and online. Newer e-cigarettes are often advertised as "heat not burn" and are used for "vaping" various forms of extracts including "waxes" and "dabs" and raw plant material. METHODS A single manufacturer was found online selling "24 different herbs" in powders, extracts, or e-liquids. These were advertised as "legal in the USA" and each product listed multiple effects. Eight e-liquids, six extracts (resins), and four powders from eight different "herbs," namely African dream, areca nut, blue lotus, damiana, kra thum na, kra thum kok, klip dagga, and wild lettuce, were purchased. An advertisement for these products stated, "Most people use the leaves, powder or resin in vaporizers." Direct analysis in real time AccuTOF™ mass spectrometry (DART-MS) was used to identify the psychoactive components in the natural products. RESULTS The psychoactive compounds that were identified in only two of the eight e-liquids, three of the five resins, and three of the four powders were arecaidine, arecoline, coumarin, entadamide, mitragynine, 7-hydroxymitragynine, and nuciferine. CONCLUSIONS Psychoactive and potentially harmful substances were present in the powders and resins of the natural products. The newer types of e-cigarettes made for consuming natural products may increase their abuse potential.



基本原理 天然植物产品已被用来促进健康、预防疾病和治疗各种疾病。这些产品通常由叶、花、树皮、根、种子和/或植物的其他部分组成。这些产品的许多药理活性成分是已知的,但这些成分的药理学可能尚未完全阐明。除植物原料外,天然植物产品还有多种形式。胶囊、粉末、提取物和电子烟(e-香烟)电子液体(e-liquids)等多种商业产品都很容易买到,并且可以从各种商店(包括商店零售商和网上)购买。较新的电子烟经常被宣传为“加热而不燃烧”,并用于“吸食”各种形式的提取物,包括“蜡”和“轻拍”以及植物原料。方法 我们发现一家制造商在网上销售“24 种不同草药”的粉末、提取物或电子液体。这些产品被宣传为“在美国合法”,并且每种产品都列出了多种效果。购买了八种电子液体、六种提取物(树脂)和四种来自八种不同“草药”的粉末,即非洲梦、槟榔、蓝莲花、达米阿那、kra thum na、kra thum kok、klip dagga 和野生菜。这些产品的广告称:“大多数人在蒸发器中使用叶子、粉末或树脂。”实时直接分析 AccuTOF™ 质谱 (DART-MS) 用于鉴定天然产物中的精神活性成分。结果 在八种电子液体中的两种、五种树脂中的三种以及四种粉末中的三种中仅鉴定出精神活性化合物,即槟榔碱、槟榔碱、香豆素、恩他酰胺、帽柱木碱、7-羟基帽柱木碱和荷叶碱。 结论 天然产物的粉末和树脂中存在精神活性物质和潜在有害物质。用于消费天然产品的新型电子烟可能会增加其滥用的可能性。