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Prediction of the onset of parturition in horses and cattle
Theriogenology ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2020-07-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.theriogenology.2020.01.072
Christina Nagel 1 , Jörg Aurich 2 , Christine Aurich 3

Economic losses due to dystocia or neonatal death as well as animal welfare and ethical concerns demand a reliable prediction of parturition with the aim to improve survival of the dam and her offspring. In this review, estimation of gestational age by ultrasound and prediction of parturition based on clinical signs, behaviour changes and changes in body temperature, composition of mammary gland secretions as well as hormonal changes are discussed in comparison between horses and cattle. Based on the physiological changes associated with the end of gestation and onset of labor, several systems and methods to predict parturition in horses and cattle have been developed. Physiological differences related to breed, maternal age and parity, pathological changes due to intrauterine growth retardation, placental problems or general illness of the dam but also housing and management systems bias a reliable prediction of parturition. This may be acceptable in cattle as long as birth alarm systems give satisfying results at herd level. The situation is different in the horse where the economic and emotional value of an individual mare and her foal usually reaches different dimensions than in cows. The possibilities for prediction of parturition can thus be discussed together, the consequences, however, may differ considerably between the two species.


