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Natural mentoring relationships among survivors of caregiver childhood abuse: findings from the Add Health Study
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-21 , DOI: 10.1111/nyas.14313
Elyssa B Weber Ku 1 , Matthew A Hagler 2 , McKenna F Parnes 3 , Sarah E O Schwartz 3 , Jean E Rhodes 2 , Lance D Erickson 4

Social support promotes resilience to adverse childhood events, but little is known about the role of natural mentors—caring, nonparental adults—in the lives of childhood abuse survivors. The current study draws from a large, longitudinal, nationally representative sample (Add Health) to examine the prevalence and characteristics of natural mentoring relationships for adolescents with a history of caregiver childhood abuse, and the extent to which these relationships are associated with psychological and health outcomes in adulthood. Among the sample (n = 12,270), 28.82% and 4.86% reported caregiver childhood physical and sexual abuse, respectively. Youth who reported caregiver childhood physical abuse were more likely than those who did not endorse abuse to report having a natural mentor, but their mentoring relationships were characterized by lower interpersonal closeness, shorter duration, and less frequent contact. Exposure to caregiver childhood abuse was associated with adverse outcomes during adulthood, including antisocial behavior, physical health limitations, and suicidality; the presence of a natural mentor did not buffer the negative impact of trauma on adult outcomes. However, longer mentoring relationships during adolescence buffered the strength of the association between both caregiver physical and sexual abuse during childhood and suicidality during early adulthood.


照顾者童年虐待幸存者之间的自然指导关系:Add Health 研究的结果

社会支持可促进对不良童年事件的适应能力,但人们对自然导师(有爱心的非父母成年人)在童年虐待幸存者生活中的作用知之甚少。目前的研究来自一个大型、纵向、全国代表性的样本(添加健康),以检查有照顾者童年虐待史的青少年的自然指导关系的普遍性和特征,以及这些关系与心理和健康相关的程度成年后的结果。在样本 (n = 12,270) 中,分别有 28.82% 和 4.86% 的人报告了照顾者童年时期的身体虐待和性虐待。报告照顾者童年身体虐待的青少年比不支持虐待的青少年更有可能报告有一个天生的导师,但他们的导师关系的特点是人际亲密度较低,持续时间较短,接触频率较低。暴露于照顾者的童年虐待与成年期的不良后果有关,包括反社会行为、身体健康限制和自杀倾向;自然导师的存在并没有缓冲创伤对成人结果的负面影响。然而,青春期较长的指导关系缓冲了儿童时期照顾者的身体和性虐待与成年早期的自杀行为之间的关联强度。自然导师的存在并没有缓冲创伤对成人结果的负面影响。然而,青春期较长的指导关系缓冲了儿童时期照顾者的身体和性虐待与成年早期的自杀行为之间的关联强度。自然导师的存在并没有缓冲创伤对成人结果的负面影响。然而,青春期较长的指导关系缓冲了儿童时期照顾者的身体和性虐待与成年早期的自杀行为之间的关联强度。