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A computerized tool to assess reading skills of students with motor impairment.
Medical Engineering & Physics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-22 , DOI: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2020.01.001
Marcia Aparecida Silva Bissaco 1 , Annie France Frere 2 , Luiz Fernando Bissaco 1 , Ana Lucia Manrique 3 , Ely Dirani 3 , Niube Rugerro 2 , Flavio Cezar Amate 4

Conventional tests for assessing the early reading skills of preschool children on school entry are not accessible to students with motor limitations of upper limbs. This paper presents a game-like computerized test featuring an appealing scenario that is accessible to these students. It was developed on a platform that creates 2D vector graphics and contains three phases of interactive content accessible through an adapted peripheral. A conventional card-based test was also used to validate the effectiveness of the computerized test. Both tests were performed by thirty-three preschool children without mobility impairment all aged between four years and six months and six years and two months (x¯ = 5,33; σ = 0,44). The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used to compare the nonparametric data from the computerized test with the card-based test in the first and second phase, yielding results of p = 0.11 and p = 0.21, respectively. The Student's t-test was conducted to compare the parametric data of the third phase of the computerized test with the data from the third phase of the card-based test yielded results of p = 0.07.Three gaming experts considered the computerized test to be fun and engaging, and three teachers concluded that the computerized test meets educational goals. Additionally, seven volunteers with moderate mobility impairment (group T), aged between eight and seventeen years old (x¯=11.8; σ = 3.5), accompanied by two physical therapists, took the computerized test using the adapted peripheral device and performed the required tasks without difficulty and without showing signs of fatigue. Based on the results obtained it can be concluded that the computerized test may enable educators to include students with mobility difficulties in literacy assessments and to design teaching strategies that are appropriate given their levels of knowledge.



上肢运动受限的学生无法通过常规测试来评估学龄前儿童入学时的早期阅读能力。本文介绍了一种类似于游戏的计算机化考试,其特点是这些学生可以使用的有吸引力的场景。它是在创建2D矢量图形的平台上开发的,该平台包含三个阶段的交互式内容,可通过经过调整的外围设备进行访问。还使用常规的基于卡的测试来验证计算机测试的有效性。两项测试均由年龄在4至6个月与6年至2个月之间的33名无行动障碍的学龄前儿童进行(x = 5,33;σ= 0.44)。在第一阶段和第二阶段,使用Wilcoxon符号秩检验比较计算机测试和基于卡的测试的非参数数据,分别得出p = 0.11和p = 0.21。进行了学生t检验以比较计算机测试第三阶段的参数数据与基于卡的测试第三阶段的数据得出的p = 0.07。三位游戏专家认为计算机测试很有趣且引人入胜,三位老师得出结论认为,计算机化考试符合教育目标。此外,七名患有中度行动障碍的志愿者(T组)年龄在八至十七岁之间(x = 11.8;σ= 3.5),并有两名物理治疗师陪同,使用适配的外围设备进行了计算机测试,并轻松完成了所需的任务,并且没有疲劳迹象。根据获得的结果,可以得出结论,计算机化考试可以使教育工作者将行动不便的学生包括在识字评估中,并根据他们的知识水平设计适合的教学策略。