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Diaporthe species associated with twig blight and dieback of Vaccinium corymbosum in Portugal, with description of four new species
Mycologia ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-19 , DOI: 10.1080/00275514.2019.1698926
Sandra Hilário 1 , Inês A Amaral 1 , Micael F M Gonçalves 1 , Anabela Lopes 1 , Liliana Santos 1 , Artur Alves 1

ABSTRACT Blueberry, an increasingly cultivated fruit crop in Portugal, is known to be susceptible to twig blight and dieback caused by species of Diaporthe. The diversity of Diaporthe species associated with symptomatic and asymptomatic Vaccinium corymbosum plants in Portugal was assessed. A multilocus sequence analysis of the rDNA internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and the translation elongation factor 1-alpha (tef1-α), β-tubulin (tub2), calmodulin (cal), and histone 3 (his3) genes revealed the presence of Diaporthe foeniculina, Diaporthe rudis, and four new species, which are described as Diaporthe crousii, Diaporthe phillipsii, Diaporthe rossmaniae, and Diaporthe vacuae. These new species were characterized in terms of their morphology, mating strategies, and temperature growth requirements. In artificial inoculation trials of V. corymbosum cv. Bluecrop plants, all Diaporthe species caused minor symptoms. Further, no differences in aggressiveness were apparent between species. This study provides the first survey of Diaporthe species associated with blueberry twig blight and dieback in Portugal. It disclosed the occurrence of a diverse assemblage of Diaporthe species, whose status and impact as pathogens of blueberry is not yet fully understood.


与葡萄牙 Vaccinium corymbosum 的枝叶枯萎和枯死相关的 Diaporthe 物种,并描述了四个新物种

摘要 蓝莓是葡萄牙越来越多种植的水果作物,已知容易受到由 Diaporthe 物种引起的枝条枯萎和枯死的影响。评估了与葡萄牙有症状和无症状牛痘植物相关的 Diaporthe 物种的多样性。rDNA 内部转录间隔区 (ITS) 区域和翻译延伸因子 1-α (tef1-α)、β-微管蛋白 (tub2)、钙调蛋白 (cal) 和组蛋白 3 (his3) 基因的多位点序列分析显示存在Diaporthe foeniculina、Diaporthe rudis 和四个新物种,它们被描述为 Diaporthe crousii、Diaporthe phillipsii、Diaporthe rossmaniae 和 Diaporthe vacuae。这些新物种的特征在于它们的形态、交配策略和温度生长要求。在 V 的人工接种试验中。伞形花序 Bluecrop 植物,所有 Diaporthe 物种都会引起轻微症状。此外,物种之间的攻击性没有明显差异。这项研究首次对葡萄牙与蓝莓枝枯病和枯萎病相关的 Diaporthe 物种进行了调查。它揭示了 Diaporthe 物种的多样化组合,其作为蓝莓病原体的地位和影响尚未完全了解。