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Do doctors treat themselves differently than their patients? Study on the self-treatment of migraine among German neurologists and pain specialists.
Cephalalgia ( IF 4.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-17 , DOI: 10.1177/0333102420907593
Leonie C Hansen 1 , Charly Gaul 2 , Esther Pogatzki-Zahn 3 , Ralf Baron 1 , Janne Gierthmühlen 1

AIM To investigate whether the self-treatment of migraine among neurologists and pain specialists corresponds to national medical guidelines and treatment of patients. METHODS An email cross-sectional survey was sent to members of the German Society for Neurology, German Pain Society and German Migraine and Headache Society containing questions on demographics, professional experience and specialization and - in case participants suffered from migraine - questions about their migraine and its treatment. RESULTS 175/418 (41.9%) participants suffered from migraine (m: 29.3%; f: 55.2%, 45.9 ± 10.7 years). For acute migraine attacks, 96.6 % of them use a first-line treatment according to the medical guidelines. Seventeen (9.7%) are currently taking a migraine prophylaxis, 52.9% of these use a recommended first-line prophylaxis. In all, 21.7% are not taking a prophylactic treatment despite an indication (based on number of monthly migraine days) for it, due to fear of side-effects, low intensity of migraine attacks and a sufficient effect of acute medication. This group of participants was younger, less experienced and specialized and was mainly employed (vs. self-employed) compared to those taking a prophylaxis. A total of 96.6% reported treating their patients in line with current guidelines; 14.3% would treat themselves differently when they were their own patients. CONCLUSION The self-treatment of acute migraine attacks for the most part complies with the guidelines but, regarding the indication for a prophylaxis, a more divergent treatment approach was observed among younger, less experienced physicians. For the majority of physicians there is no difference between self-treatment and treatment of migraine patients.



目的 调查神经科医师和疼痛科专家的偏头痛自我治疗是否符合国家医疗指南和患者的治疗方案。方法 向德国神经病学学会、德国疼痛学会和德国偏头痛和头痛学会的成员发送了一封电子邮件横断面调查,其中包含有关人口统计学、专业经验和专业化的问题,以及 - 如果参与者患有偏头痛 - 有关他们的偏头痛和它的治疗。结果 175/418 (41.9%) 参与者患有偏头痛(m:29.3%;f:55.2%,45.9 ± 10.7 年)。对于急性偏头痛发作,96.6% 的患者根据医疗指南使用一线治疗。17 个 (9.7%) 目前正在接受偏头痛预防,其中 52.9% 使用推荐的一线预防。总而言之,21。由于担心副作用、偏头痛发作的强度低和急性药物的充分作用,7% 的人尽管有指示(基于每月偏头痛的天数),但并未采取预防性治疗。与采取预防措施的参与者相比,这组参与者更年轻、经验不足和专业化,并且主要受雇(与个体经营者相比)。共有 96.6% 的人报告说他们的患者按照当前的指南进行治疗;14.3%的人在做自己的病人时会区别对待自己。结论 急性偏头痛发作的自我治疗大部分符合指南,但关于预防的适应症,在年轻、经验不足的医生中观察到了更不同的治疗方法。