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Calculation of the effective external dose rate to a person staying in the resettlement zone of the Vetka district of the Gomel region of Belarus based on in situ and ex situ assessments in 2016-2018.
Journal of Environmental Radioactivity ( IF 1.9 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jenvrad.2020.106168
V Ramzaev 1 , C Bernhardsson 2 , A Dvornik 3 , A Barkovsky 1 , A Vodovatov 1 , M Jönsson 2 , S Gaponenko 3

The aim of this study was to perform a preliminary assessment of the expected effective dose rate from external exposure to an adult individual staying at that part of the radioactively contaminated territory of the Vetka district of the Gomel region of the Republic of Belarus, from where residents had been resettled after the Chernobyl accident. For this assessment, in summer 2016 and 2018 soil samples were taken from 19 sites located in forests (7 plots), virgin meadows (4 plots), cultivated meadows (6 plots) and vegetable gardens (2 plots), with the subsequent estimation of the inventory and vertical distribution of 137Cs in the soil. The values of 137Cs inventory in the soil ranged from 452 to 1620 kBq m-2 (mean = 904 kBq m-2, median = 964 kBq m-2). The results of the measurement of soil samples were used to calculate values of the air kerma rate, normalized to the inventory of radioactive caesium in the soil. On average, the normalized indicator of the air kerma rate from the man-made source was higher in forests (1.13 nGy h-1 per kBq m-2) compared to virgin meadows (0.95 nGy h-1 per kBq m-2). Normalized air kerma rate in cultivated meadows and vegetable gardens was approximately two times lower than the corresponding indicator for virgin meadows. Using a field gamma spectrometer-dosemeter, ambient dose equivalent rate of gamma radiation in the air was measured at the surveyed sites and the contributions of the technogenic and natural components to the dose rate were estimated. Additionally, such measurements were performed on asphalted surfaces (5 sites) and inside two wooden houses. The measured values of the total ambient dose equivalent rate at a height of 1 m above the ground, asphalted surface or house floor varied from 160 to 2260 nSv h-1. The lowest levels were recorded over asphalted surfaces and inside houses, and the highest ones at forest and virgin meadow sites. The contribution of the technogenic component to the total dose rate varied from 61.9% to 98.8% (mean = 88.9%; n = 26). The effective dose of anthropogenic radiation calculated from the results of in situ measurements in a forest, virgin meadow, cultivated meadow, kitchen garden, asphalted area and house was 0.59, 0.80, 0.34, 0.29, 0.06 and 0.06 μSv h-1, respectively. Similar values for land plots were calculated based on ex situ analysis of soil samples. It can be expected that, starting from 2020, the average effective external dose of a person staying in the resettlement zone of the Vetka district will not exceed 1 mSv year-1.



这项研究的目的是对居住在白俄罗斯共和国戈梅利州维特卡地区受放射性污染的那部分地区的成年个体的外部照射所产生的预期有效剂量率进行初步评估。在切尔诺贝利事故之后被重新安置。为了进行评估,在2016年夏季和2018年夏季,从森林(7块),原始草地(4块),耕地(6块)和菜园(2块)的19个地点采集了土壤样本,随后估算了土壤中137 Cs的存量和垂直分布。土壤中137 Cs的库存量范围为452至1620 kBq m-2(平均值= 904 kBq m-2,中位数= 964 kBq m-2)。将土壤样品的测量结果用于计算空气比释动能率的值,并根据土壤中放射性铯的存量进行归一化。平均而言,与原始草甸(0.95 nGy h-1 / kBq m-2)相比,森林中人为来源的空气比释动能率的标准化指标更高(1.13 nGy h-1 / kBq m-2)。耕地和菜园的空气比释动能率比原始草甸的相应指标低约两倍。使用现场伽马能谱仪-剂量仪,在调查地点测量了空气中伽马射线的环境剂量当量率,并估算了技术成分和天然成分对剂量率的贡献。此外,此类测量是在沥青表面(5个位置)和两个木屋内进行的。在离地面,柏油地面或房屋地面1 m的高度处,总环境剂量当量率的测量值在160到2260 nSv h-1之间变化。最低的记录在沥青表面和房屋内部,最高的记录在森林和原始草地场所。技术成分对总剂量率的贡献从61.9%到98.8%不等(平均值= 88.9%; n = 26)。根据在森林,原始草甸,耕种草甸,菜园,柏油区和房屋中的原位测量结果计算的人为辐射有效剂量分别为0.59、0.80、0.34、0.29、0.06和0.06μSvh-1。基于对土壤样本的异地分析,可以计算出类似的土地面积值。可以预期,从2020年开始,