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Effect of Computer-Simulated Leaders' Compromise on Members' Emotional State and Protest Behavior.
Experimental Psychology ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2019-11-01 , DOI: 10.1027/1618-3169/a000464
Carina Sofia Ferreira Dias 1 , Isabel R Pinto 1 , José M Marques 1 , Tiago O Paiva 1 , Fernando Barbosa 1 , Sónia G Cardoso 2

Participants (N = 119) played the "Dictator Game" (computer mediated) with two bogus computer-simulated players, one of whom, the Dictator, distributed money across ten trials, either as extremely unfair (Inflexible Dictator) or being less unfair (Flexible Dictator). The other player either protested against (Protest condition) or did not react (Apathy condition) to the dictator's decision, after each trial. We measured participants' self-reported anger and disinterest, physiological skin conductance (SCL), heart rate (HR), and number and type of comments directed to the Dictator. Anger and number of comments were lower in the Apathy than in the Protest condition. Participants' SCL, HR, and protest comments decreased in the Apathy condition, and increased in the Protest condition. Protest assumed a more punitive tone in the Inflexible than in the Flexible Dictator condition. We discuss these results' contribution to understand individuals' motivation to engage in protest and apathy, and the role of emotions in that process.



参与者(N = 119)与两名伪造的计算机模拟玩家一起玩了“独裁者游戏”(计算机介导),其中一名独裁者在十次审判中分配了金钱,要么极端不公平(Inflexible Dictator),要么不公平(灵活的独裁者)。每次审判后,另一名玩家要么抗议(抗议条件),要么没有对独裁者的决定做出反应(冷漠条件)。我们测量了参与者的自我报告的愤怒和无趣,生理皮肤电导(SCL),心率(HR)以及针对独裁者的评论的数量和类型。漠不关心的愤怒和评论数量低于抗议状态。参与者的SCL,HR和抗议评论在“冷漠”状态下减少,而在“抗议”状态下增加。抗议者认为,与非弹性独裁者相比,非弹性球员的语调更具惩罚性。我们讨论这些结果对理解个人参与抗议和冷漠的动机以及情绪在该过程中的作用的贡献。