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New Problems for a New Decade: A Note from the New Editor.
Journal of Health and Social Behavior ( IF 6.3 ) Pub Date : 2020-02-13 , DOI: 10.1177/0022146520906104
Amy M Burdette 1

In Social Causes of Psychological Distress (2003), John Mirowsky and Catherine Ross wrote that there would be little interest in social stratification— systematic inequalities in power, prestige, and resources—if the poor and powerless were as happy, healthy, and fulfilled as the wealthy and powerful. The subfield of medical sociology makes the broader field of sociology meaningful by addressing the inequalities in misery and human suffering that are only assumed in mainstream sociology. As we begin a new decade, I am excited to see how medical sociology responds to so many enduring and new social problems, from the opioid epidemic, income inequality, and environmental degradation to gun violence, pharmaceuticalization, and status-based inequalities. Perhaps now more than ever, it is critical for medical sociology to produce knowledge that will (hopefully) be useful in describing, explaining, and solving the misery and human suffering that is so fundamentally tied to these and other important social problems. JHSB is central to the sociological study of health, illness, and healing systems because it sets important research agendas and standards for the subfield by publishing the most theoretically and methodologically innovative work. I am honored to lead the flagship journal of American medical sociology with so many outstanding colleagues and deputy editors: Monica Casper (University of Arizona), William Cockerham (University of Alabama at Birmingham and College of William & Mary), Terrence Hill (University of Arizona), Robert Johnson (University of Miami), Hedwig Lee (Washington University in St. Louis), Michael McFarland (Florida State University), Miles Taylor (Florida State University), Miranda Waggoner (Florida State University), and Ming Wen (University of Utah). I will surely count on their diverse expertise to handle a wide range of editorial responsibilities.



约翰·米洛夫斯基(John Mirowsky)和凯瑟琳·罗斯(Catherine Ross)在《社会心理困扰原因》(2003年)中写道,如果穷人和无力者像他们一样幸福,健康和充实,则对社会分层(权力,声望和资源上的系统性不平等)几乎没有兴趣有钱有势。通过解决仅在主流社会学中假定的痛苦和人类苦难中的不平等现象,医学社会学子领域使更广阔的社会学领域变得有意义。在我们进入新的十年之际,我很高兴看到医学社会学如何应对如此众多的持久和新的社会问题,从阿片类药物流行,收入不平等和环境恶化到枪支暴力,药物化和基于地位的不平等。也许现在比以往任何时候都更重要,对于医学社会学而言,至关重要的是要产生知识,这些知识将(希望)对描述,解释和解决与这些及其他重要的社会问题有着根本联系的痛苦和人类苦难有用。JHSB是健康,疾病和康复系统的社会学研究的中心,因为它通过发布最具理论性和方法论性的创新性工作,为子领域设定了重要的研究议程和标准。我很荣幸能与这么多杰出的同事和副编辑一起领导美国医学社会学的旗舰期刊:Monica Casper(亚利桑那大学),William Cockerham(伯明翰阿拉巴马大学和威廉与玛丽学院),Terrence Hill(亚利桑那大学)亚利桑那州),罗伯特·约翰逊(罗伯特·约翰逊)(迈阿密大学),海德薇·李(美国华盛顿大学)Michael McFarland(佛罗里达州立大学),Miles Taylor(佛罗里达州立大学),Miranda Wagoner(佛罗里达州立大学)和Ming Wen(犹他大学)。我一定会依靠他们的专业知识来处理各种各样的编辑职责。