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Online interventions for problem gamblers with and without co-occurring unhealthy alcohol use: Randomized controlled trial.
Internet Interventions ( IF 5.358 ) Pub Date : 2020-03-01 , DOI: 10.1016/j.invent.2020.100307
John A Cunningham 1, 2, 3 , David C Hodgins 4 , Matthew Keough 5 , Christian S Hendershot 1, 2 , Christina Schell 1 , Alexandra Godinho 1

Background and aims Problem gambling and unhealthy alcohol use often co-occur. The current trial sought to establish whether adding a brief online intervention for unhealthy alcohol use to an online problem gambling intervention would lead to improvements in gambling and drinking among those with both of these concerns. Methods Participants were recruited from across Canada using an advertisement targeting those concerned about their gambling who were interested in online help. No mention of unhealthy alcohol use was made in the advertisement. Participants meeting criteria for problem gambling were randomized to either receive just an online intervention for gambling (G-only) or to receive an online gambling intervention plus a brief personalized feedback intervention for unhealthy alcohol use (G + A). Participants were followed up at 3 and 6 months. Results A total of 282 participants were recruited for the trial. Follow-up rates were good (80% and 84% at 3 and 6 months). There were significant reductions in gambling (p < .001) across time but no significant differences (p > .05) between those who received either the G-only or G + A interventions. Further, for those with unhealthy alcohol use (41% of the sample), there were no significant reductions in alcohol consumption (p > .05) across time or differences between condition. Discussion and conclusion The addition of a brief intervention for unhealthy alcohol use to an online intervention for gambling did not appear to improve either gambling or drinking outcomes among people concerned about their gambling. Further research is merited to examine whether a combined intervention (with gambling and drinking components integrated) might result in improved outcomes and whether such an intervention might benefit the subgroup of participants who would specifically seek help for both gambling and alcohol concerns. Trial registration:ClinicalTrials.govNCT03323606; Registration date: October 24, 2017.



背景和目标 赌博问题和不健康的饮酒经常同时发生。目前的试验试图确定,在在线问题赌博干预措施中添加针对不健康饮酒的简短在线干预措施是否会改善那些有这两种担忧的人的赌博和饮酒情况。方法 通过针对那些关注赌博并对在线帮助感兴趣的人的广告,从加拿大各地招募参与者。广告中没有提及不健康的饮酒行为。符合问题赌博标准的参与者被随机分配,要么只接受在线赌博干预(仅 G),要么接受在线赌博干预加上针对不健康饮酒的简短个性化反馈干预(G + A)。参与者在 3 个月和 6 个月时进行了随访。结果 总共招募了 282 名参与者参加试验。随访率良好(3 个月和 6 个月分别为 80% 和 84%)。随着时间的推移,赌博行为显着减少 (p < .001),但接受纯 G 干预或 G + A 干预的参与者之间没有显着差异 (p > .05)。此外,对于那些不健康饮酒的人(占样本的 41%)来说,随着时间的推移或不同条件之间的差异,酒精消耗量没有显着减少 (p > .05)。讨论和结论 在在线赌博干预中添加对不健康饮酒的简短干预似乎并没有改善关注赌博的人的赌博或饮酒结果。值得进一步的研究来检验联合干预措施(整合赌博和饮酒成分)是否可以改善结果,以及这种干预措施是否可能使专门为赌博和酗酒问题寻求帮助的参与者亚群受益。试验注册:ClinicalTrials.govNCT03323606;报名日期:2017年10月24日。