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Structures related to pheromone storage in alar androconia and the female abdominal scent gland of Heliconius erato phyllis , Heliconius ethilla narcaea , and Heliconius besckei (Lepidoptera: Nymphalidae: Heliconiinae)
Journal of Morphology ( IF 1.5 ) Pub Date : 2020-01-31 , DOI: 10.1002/jmor.21106
Eliane de Oliveira Borges 1, 2 , Dayana Bonfantti 1 , Ciro A de Oliveira Ribeiro 3 , Paulo H G Zarbin 1, 2

We describe the morphology of alar androconia and the female abdominal scent gland of Heliconius erato phyllis, Heliconius ethilla narcaea, and Heliconius besckei. Androconial scales of Heliconius, which are arranged in overlapping wing bands, release pheromones during courtship, probably through vibratory movements of male wings over the female to induce her to mate. An antiaphrodisiac is produced by glands located in the valves of the male and is transferred during copulation to the yellow dorsal abdominal sac present in the virgin female, causing this sac to emit a scent that reduces the attractiveness of the female for courtship with other males. Stereomicroscopy, SEM, and TEM analyses were conducted to describe the morphology of the internal and external scales and the external abdominal scent sac. The findings revealed different sizes of external androconial scales and an internal group of porous structural vesicles that are probably related to the preservation of internal space, reception and storage of secretions, and elimination of volatiles when the male is actively involved in courtship. Translucent projections on the female abdominal scent sac create open reservoirs for the reception, storage, and emission of antiaphrodisiac volatiles along with stink clubs. Male valve denticles vary in form and probably attach securely to the female sac during mating, thus ensuring secretion transfer. These features are discussed in the context of a comparative analysis.


与雄螟的鼻翼和雌性腹部气味腺有关的信息素储存结构,Heliconius ethilla narcaea 和 Heliconius besckei(鳞翅目:蛱蝶科:Heliconiinae)

我们描述了鼻翼雄蕊和 Heliconius erato phyllis、Heliconius ethilla narcaea 和 Heliconius besckei 的雌性腹部气味腺的形态。Heliconius 的雄性鳞片排列在重叠的翼带中,在求偶期间释放信息素,可能是通过雄性翅膀在雌性身上的振动运动来诱导她交配。抗春药由位于雄性瓣膜的腺体产生,并在交配过程中转移到处女雌性的黄色背腹囊,使该囊散发出一种气味,降低雌性与其他雄性求爱的吸引力。进行立体显微镜、SEM 和 TEM 分析以描述内部和外部鳞片和外部腹部气味囊的形态。研究结果揭示了不同大小的外部雄性鳞片和一组内部多孔结构囊泡,这可能与雄性积极参与求偶时保持内部空间、接收和储存分泌物以及消除挥发物有关。女性腹部气味囊上的半透明突起为抗壮阳挥发物和臭棒的接收、储存和散发创造了开放的水库。雄性瓣膜小齿的形式各不相同,可能在交配期间牢固地附着在雌性囊上,从而确保分泌物转移。这些特征将在比较分析的背景下进行讨论。当雄性积极参与求偶时,消除挥发物。女性腹部气味囊上的半透明突起为抗壮阳挥发物和臭棒的接收、储存和散发创造了开放的水库。雄性瓣膜小齿的形式各不相同,可能在交配期间牢固地附着在雌性囊上,从而确保分泌物转移。这些特征将在比较分析的背景下进行讨论。当雄性积极参与求偶时,消除挥发物。女性腹部气味囊上的半透明突起为抗壮阳挥发物和臭棒的接收、储存和散发创造了开放的水库。雄性瓣膜小齿的形式各不相同,可能在交配期间牢固地附着在雌性囊上,从而确保分泌物转移。这些特征将在比较分析的背景下进行讨论。