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The Telenovela Effect: Challenges of Location Filming and Telenovela Tourism in the Brazilian Favelas
The Journal of Popular Culture ( IF 0.2 ) Pub Date : 2019-12-01 , DOI: 10.1111/jpcu.12861
Débora Póvoa , Stijn Reijnders , Emiel Martens

O N JANUARY 5, 2018, AN ARTICLE IN THE WASHINGTON POST noted the rising violence in Rocinha, the largest favela in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. With the headline “A Once-Trendy Rio Slum Is Now ‘at War,’” it detailed how the “showcase shantytown in Brazil’s showcase city” had become a conflict zone, with a fourfold increase in killings in less than a year (Faiola and Kaiser). The first favela in Rio to receive tourists, Rocinha had recently gathered media attention for drug gangs that (re)started gunfights there. In October 2017, the slaying of a tourist by the police further destabilized its reputation as the prime destination of favela tourism in Rio. As journalist Misha Glenny explains, “if there is trouble in Rocinha, there is a guarantee of even greater problems elsewhere.” Indeed, violence had also stricken other communities in the city, causing a sharp decrease in tourism, according to various Brazilian news reports (Brito; A. Mendonc a; Ouchana and Galdo). These recent events seem to jeopardize a long period of prosperity in favela tourism in Brazil. In the past twenty-five years or so, the favelas in Rio—and, to a lesser extent, in S~ao Paulo—have become among the most iconic images of the country, together with the triad



2018 年 1 月 5 日,华盛顿邮报的一篇文章指出,巴西里约热内卢最大的贫民窟 Rocinha 的暴力事件不断升级。标题为“曾经风靡一时的里约贫民窟现在'处于战争状态'”,详细描述了“巴西示范城市的示范棚户区”如何成为冲突地区,不到一年的时间里,杀戮人数增加了四倍(Faiola 和凯撒)。作为里约第一个接待游客的贫民窟,罗西尼亚最近因在那里(重新)开始枪战的贩毒团伙而引起了媒体的关注。2017 年 10 月,一名游客被警察杀害,进一步破坏了其作为里约贫民窟旅游主要目的地的声誉。正如记者 Misha Glenny 解释的那样,“如果 Rocinha 出现问题,那么其他地方肯定会出现更大的问题。” 事实上,暴力也袭击了该市的其他社区,根据各种巴西新闻报道(Brito;A. Mendonc a;Ouchana 和 Galdo),导致旅游业急剧下降。最近发生的这些事件似乎危及巴西贫民窟旅游业的长期繁荣。在过去的二十五年左右的时间里,里约的贫民窟——以及在较小程度上,在圣保罗——与三合会一起成为该国最具标志性的形象之一